Well i went NCAA in 07, so 08 im going with madden, and if all pro football gets a discounted price i will probably pick it up as well, if not, then ill just stick with madden.
NCAA 08...fell for the Madden hype this past year. Played a full season and tried the create a player. Was not too impressed. NCAA is just more fun to me.
I love college football, but I'm really sick of buying the same game every year. Besides, mydynasty Iowa Hawkeyes are going to be better than the real thing this year, I'm sad to say.
I'm considering changing to FIFA 08 this fall. The last pro evo offering was lazy at best which leads me to believe Konami are in danger of going through the stage FIFA did 5 years ago. If the next offering on the 360 isn't a PS2 port with added shine and half the features removed I might consider it, if not I think I'll let FIFA's superior licensing and graphics win me over.
always hated madden and always loved the 2K games. Haven't played a football game since madden bought out the nfl so now ill pick up all pro football discount price or not.
lol at people listing soccer games... Anyways, after being disappointed by Madden for the first time last year I vowed to not get '08. So perhaps I won't get a football game this year, unless All Pro 2k8 is really good.
fifa and pro evo this year, and possibly because in good old england football is kicking a ball with you foot, not running with it or whatever you do over there lol
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