Here in the next week or 2 I will be getting an Xbox 360 and 3 games. I know that Halo 3 is my first game, just because I love Halo. Other than Halo, there are several gmes I'e played and really like, and games I hven't even had a chance to play, but they look awesome. I also ama huge fan of the old Banjo-Kazooie games,and I know that the new one if much different than its predicessors, but it is also cheaper. Other than that I am considering Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Fable 2,and Mass Effect.
Most of the games listed in the poll aren't even in the same genre. What I would do in your situation, is look for the highest rated title in your preferred genre.
well hope u getin xbox with a hard drive and since u get halo better pick up 1600 microsoft points dont forgte the play an charge kit and the 12 month gold.................. on that list i played fable and mass effect boit good games mass effect wasnt all that great it was fun but i wouldnt buy played it more then twwice. suppose to be a game u change thje story but all u did is chose the dialogn and at made a few choices but nothi big whiched i hate. about those games where u chose the path but it stays the same omost .............. fable was fun if u rush through it then u be sad if u take your time and do everything god great game u get like 2 weeks out of it to beat it well thats how long it took me and i play alot like 5hours easy ons chool days and 10 hours on weekens ................ l4d i wouldnt buy i just rent it as the mutiplayer and the sigle player is one the same thing and the sigle player is no fun and there only 5 missions and the only thing change during the game is just like spawns it that game that be fun for week or two and get boring as there only 5 levles about hour long ................ and gears of war well i loved the first one havnt had change get my hands on the 2 one yet but remind you its not for every one and wht i been hearikng is it takes 5 mins get a macth and there lag 50% half the time this why i been holding off untill they get there mutiplayer fixed................ if u love rpgs i would tell u get oblivion GOTY yes old game from 2006 but god dang great game tons of hours. i was on fallout 3 forms 2 days ago and well there was a topic what do u perfer oblivion vs fallout 3 they said oblivion as there was more stuff to do and twice as much quest............. so ya i pefer oblivion
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