In this topic I'm going to try and list the people that make up the Xbox live community. It's more of a joke so don't take it to personal if you see yourself listed here. It's my belief that all Xbox live players fall into one of these categories.
The Elite. Brags about his elite rank every second he can.
Rusty guy. The guy who claims to have been gone x number of months and just picked the game up again and says he might suck, then proceeds to go on an adequate kill streak and brags about how his 1337 skills are still as sharp as ever.
Clan groupy. Those players that start a custom match with their clan mates and stack it so then it is them against a bunch of random disorganized people and then talk *** about it before the game starts. Either they lose and everyone is booted or they barely win and act gangster.
The noisy eight year old. Tells you to kill yourself when he dies.
The Singer. For some unknown reason, feels the need to serenade his team with his tone-deaf cacophony "sung" along to whatever song happens to be on his playlist at the moment. When told to stop, begins humming or sings a new song.
The Real Life Gun Guy. People who can't help but talk about all the fire arms they own in real life and how sweet they are and how they fire and what they look like, etc etc.
The Military Guy. Either in the military or simply a military buff, this player loves to talk about the fact that they have fired gun so-and-so and rattle off facts about weapon systems and things the game got wrong.
Friends in real life kids. They call each other by their real names, and they talk about what happened at school.
Guy who talks on phone without muting.
Host who feels it is NECESSARY for every dang player to have a mic. Even deaf people.
The ' I'm hungry guy" . Will join a 20 minute game, and realize how hungry he is,  will then say "brb, i gotta grab some food" and return to find out he only has 2 minutes left and his team is now losing horibbly.
The never starts a bloody match guy. Will start a 5 minute game, then sit in the lobby for 10 minutes after, only to go back and play another 5 minute game... back to the lobby for 15 minutes...
The Plan Maker. Sets up a elaborate scheme to destroy the enemy team, naivly you think he actually knows anything about the game he's playing, you all die horribly, and alas it's your fault because you didn't do exactly what he said to do to the letter.
The Patriot. Inisits on bringing politcal debates into the firefight "we saved you in world war 2 you **** "...what has that gotta do with me asking do you need help in that room with five guys shooting at you?"
Mr excuse. No matter how he dies, he must insist that it was not his fault. Whether it is lag, glitches, or the host that killed him, he must find an adequate excuse as to why he died. He will usually complain about it for a few minutes after each death, which can pile up to become constant if he dies a lot.
The white rap gangster. He sounds like a black guy.. doing an impression of a white guy.. doing an impression of a black guy. Seems to have no feedback control on his mic so you're forced to hear his garbled mic-transmitted gangsta rap.Â
Sir Gaseous. The guy that insists on throwing tear gas into every single room, when one of the other team wears a gas mask and shoots him, he will start complaining, swearing loudly or even team-killing to vent his frustration at the noob that shot him.
l r t3h num3er guy. The person with so many numbers in his gamertag that you can't pronounce his name, and subsequently lose the match due to poor communication.
Uber-tactical guys. Think the game is real life (UTG will represent Uber Tactical Guy)
UTG1: "Oscar, what's your status?"
UTG2: "I have acquired visual on tango. Tango in sight."
UTG1: "Take the shot."
UTG2: "Roger that." Then..."Tango down."
UTG1: "Copy."
Uber-tactical guy is usually laughed out of the room after each match.
Ex-HALO Player guy. The one who grabs the auto-shotgun or the SAW and stands in the middle of the room, doesn't take cover, throw frags everywhere, and is usually -10 on his score. Complains in all games how much better HALO2 is.
Pornstar. Guy looking at porn, or their room runs into the mega-lag because he's downloading 'Naughty Nurses 5"
and lastly the casual guy. Plays just for fun, and doesn't care about winning or losing or points, just having a good time. I have only heard rumors of these people existing.
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