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I like the level of customization of your character, the tactics involved in the game, and how the weapons are well balanced (except the sniper rifles feel too weak and the XM is too good)Firestorm10
Ya it is certainly good, not as good as Gears online, and not even in the same league as Halo.
I get so bored playing the same levels over and over again. I think I could run from the top to the bottom of the Calypso Casino with my eyes closed.
lol, do you think Halo haters are just people who suck at Halo? Kind of like the people who suck at Gears say the game sucks?
I was never into Halo 2 multiplayer... I'm pretty good at it, but I can't stand to play it too long. Gears of War is fun, but it's a little too glitchy/laggy for me sometimes. I've been playing RSV for 6 months now, it's got a lot of depth to it. It's always interesting.ag1002
yeah you pretty much said what i should have put
I thought it was good, but nowhere near Halo or Unreal... How can people bash Halo then play this?kevy619
Well I have never played Unreal, but I have played Halo. IMO R6V is better, thats because I like how its tactical. Halo seemed like a beginners FPS, but then again thats just my opinion, you have yours and thats why games are different. Not everyone is going to like a game.
[QUOTE="CNUrGames"]I get so bored playing the same levels over and over again. I think I could run from the top to the bottom of the Calypso Casino with my eyes closed.
lol, do you think Halo haters are just people who suck at Halo? Kind of like the people who suck at Gears say the game sucks?
I do not suck at Halo, infact when I played it at my friends house I was always at the top of the leaderboard, in Gears of War im usually always at the top. People say i'm lying when I say im not host but i've never hosted a match simply because I don't think it would be fair if I had host advantage.
Don't make generalizations, just because someone doesn't like a game doesn't mean they aren't good at it. I personally hate both those games and don't see the hype in them.
I thought it was good, but nowhere near Halo or Unreal... How can people bash Halo then play this?kevy619yea i also think its good but its not like UT
The game-play itself is awesome. It may be repetitive, but play any game for months on end and it will get that way. My issue is the BS in between games. I hate entering a game that says its in lobby only to find out the match has started and now I have to wait 20 minutes to play in the next round or find a different game to join. It would have been awesome if the game-makers could have made the connectivity/matchmaking issues go away and be more similar to that of the PC likes of Day of Defeat or Counter-Strike (yes, the game-play was questionable, but if you had a good Internet connection, joining and staying with a game was as easy as, refresh and click).
The game-play itself is awesome. It may be repetitive, but play any game for months on end and it will get that way. My issue is the BS in between games. I hate entering a game that says its in lobby only to find out the match has started and now I have to wait 20 minutes to play in the next round or find a different game to join. It would have been awesome if the game-makers could have made the connectivity/matchmaking issues go away and be more similar to that of the PC likes of Day of Defeat or Counter-Strike (yes, the game-play was questionable, but if you had a good Internet connection, joining and staying with a game was as easy as, refresh and click).
I thought it was good, but nowhere near Halo or Unreal... How can people bash Halo then play this?kevy619umm... its 10 times better then halo but your right its not better then unreal.
[QUOTE="kevy619"]I thought it was good, but nowhere near Halo or Unreal... How can people bash Halo then play this?xDonRobx
Well I have never played Unreal, but I have played Halo. IMO R6V is better, thats because I like how its tactical. Halo seemed like a beginners FPS, but then again thats just my opinion, you have yours and thats why games are different. Not everyone is going to like a game.
True, although playing Rainbow Six to me just feels like shoot people in the head, throw a grenade every now and then. Halo 3 beta was like, throw up bubble shield, throw grenade, use vehicles, spartan lasers, using the right weapon for the situation, melee attack timing, crouch to not show on radar, jumping 10-20 feet in the air, throw power drainer, man cannon across the map, nail headshots with the sniper rifle (much more useful in Halo), and to top it off there will be more vehicles/equipment/weapons in the final build. How does Rainbow Six have half that depth? Or how does Rainbow Six even require more skill? Gears Of War online was fun mostly because it wasnt the same old online shooter experience, the gameplay feels new while shooters like Rainbow Six feel a little tired.
[QUOTE="kevy619"]I thought it was good, but nowhere near Halo or Unreal... How can people bash Halo then play this?acidic_dudeumm... its 10 times better then halo but your right its not better then unreal.
How is it ten times better than Halo? Rainbow Six feel pretty simplistic in comparison.
[QUOTE="CNUrGames"]I get so bored playing the same levels over and over again. I think I could run from the top to the bottom of the Calypso Casino with my eyes closed.
the only reson ppl hate gears is because theyre not good at one of those ppl..the game isnt fun if ur gettin destroyed online..any online game is only fun if ur raping ppl...ive never got that good cuz i never play online
lol, do you think Halo haters are just people who suck at Halo? Kind of like the people who suck at Gears say the game sucks?
the only reson ppl hate gears is because theyre not good at one of those ppl..the game isnt fun if ur gettin destroyed online..any online game is only fun if ur raping ppl...ive never got that good cuz i never play online
srry thats wat i said ^
Ya, i can imagine the people playing Halo and getting raped wouldnt like it. In Rainbow Six, even if you suck you should be able to get a few kills. Same goes for Gears, if you dont know what you are doing in Gears, you will never kill anybody.
well my brother is pretty good at halo 2. Last night we did a split screen match on xbl, I had 19 kills, he had 30. So he's one of those guys who's always on top, he said all he did was learn how to get 4 burst kills with the battlerifle, he says it's easy... he's more into battlefield or counterstrike. It's pretty simple you have to admit. In R6V if you get shot at you will probably die, if you get into a close combat fight with someone it will last a couple seconds so it's more about outthinking your opponent rather than outgunning. In Halo you can take more shots, it's more forgiving. Obviously it takes skill, but it's pretty basic, anyone can jump into it. Halo 2 multiplayer is fun, I can't wait for Halo 3, but I enjoy R6V multiplayer much more. My brother just started playing it, he is probably going to be buying it when he gets 360.
I actually think that makes it the opposite. When you can die easily, noobs can kill you by being lucky. To kill people in Halo, you have to know what you are doing. Especially Halo 3...
[QUOTE="Darkslayer16"]vegas is way better then halo and gears.. but UT destroys them allkevy619
Nobody has said what is good about Vegas... Its most likely that you can kill people even if you suck, Halo and Gears dont allow that to happen...
on vegas if you go against a skilled player they will drop you in one shot.. and anyone can get kills in gears and halo you can take the most retarded noob ever and get him to host on gears and he will get atleast some kills or on halo just use the BR..
Halo R6:V and Gears are all great games online. One isn't "better" then the other it's all a matter of personal taste. Play what you want and stop bitc*ing!ModernTimes
Im not trying to b*tch, im just tired of people sh*tting all over Halo 3 and saying games like Rainbow Six are better.
The question is, whats so great about Gears of War multiplayer?
Yeah GOW blows, Rainbow Six Vegas kicks that games ass and any other online game out. Imsick and tired of ppl saying that Halo is the best multiplayer game out and also say GOW is the bestalso, they both suck.
[QUOTE="kevy619"][QUOTE="Darkslayer16"]vegas is way better then halo and gears.. but UT destroys them allDarkslayer16
Nobody has said what is good about Vegas... Its most likely that you can kill people even if you suck, Halo and Gears dont allow that to happen...
on vegas if you go against a skilled player they will drop you in one shot.. and anyone can get kills in gears and halo you can take the most retarded noob ever and get him to host on gears and he will get atleast some kills or on halo just use the BR..
You wont ever kill me with a BR in Halo 3 unless you are much better than me. The gun is way too slow. In Halo, noobs can never ever kill me.
[QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"]The question is, whats so great about Gears of War multiplayer?
Yeah GOW blows, Rainbow Six Vegas kicks that games ass and any other online game out. Imsick and tired of ppl saying that Halo is the best multiplayer game out and also say GOW is the bestalso, they both suck.
Why is rainbow six better, there is still no real argument.
There are a lot of good reasons to play R6V. The first reason being the realistic battles that take place. You will get gunned down in a matter of seconds if you dont strategize prior to playing. You have to know which weapon for the board you are on. E.g. sniper for long views and sub-machine guns for indoor battle or an assault rifle for changing atmospheres. The online is much deeper thain just sawing people to death and taking other peoples kills. I could write for hours on this subject but I am not getting paid nor will I recieve any accolades for writing this. But overall R6V is better than Halo and Gears of War all day any day. There also aren't many ten years olds squeaking up the eardrum, as they usually do. mcclarin3
The only real point you made is that RSV is more realistic than Halo. Other than that, Halo owns RSV in every way, shape or form. All those other strengths are done better in halo.
Well for one there's no real "Host advantage" or Quad-shot. Halo 2 used to be the best online shooter, but that was before last year happened. Gears was the best until I started playing Rainbow Six and realized how much better Rainbow is.
Plus, does everyone realize they're comparing four [Gears, Rainbow, Halo and Unreal] completely different shooters?byronman91
To me Unreal and Halo feel alot alike. When I say Halo though, im going by the Halo 3 beta. They pretty much perfected Halo in Halo 3.
I like R6's multiplayer better than GeoW, UT, or Halo.
Halo feels like UT now, especially after Halo 2. All it needs is insta-gib. GeoW's online gets really repetitive to me quickly and the levels feel small.
I like that R6 has a lot of character customizability, rising in rank means better gear and weapons, the game feels more tactical to me over all with the use of the different grenades. I also really like how I can die in 3 hits. Taking cover means something and someone can't just run around the corner with a shotty firing round after round and kill me like in GeoW. I also like the cover system better, especially since I can quickly take cover and move from spot to spot (release button to move from cover, press and hold to take cover).
Also there are no chainsaws or sticky nades in R6 online.
I like the level of customization of your character, the tactics involved in the game, and how the weapons are well balanced (except the sniper rifles feel too weak and the XM is too good)Firestorm10
agreed , halo is for when i want to go on a massacare getting a bunch of kills, rainbow six is that but if i make a mistake im easier to kill
RSV has come of the best MP I've played in a long time, hands down. If you don't like it, then you only have to wait another month and a half for Halo 3.
[QUOTE="Darkslayer16"]vegas is way better then halo and gears.. but UT destroys them allkevy619
Nobody has said what is good about Vegas... Its most likely that you can kill people even if you suck, Halo and Gears dont allow that to happen...
You're ignorant man. I've been playing R6V ever since it came out. I got my Elite rank playing it the right way (Sharpshooter and Team Sharpshooter) and I can tell you that when I play against some of these guys, I can tell right away that they've just started playing or if they've been playing for a while. When I play, I'm always in the top 3. My kills are always double or triple the amount of these "sucky" guys if you want tocall them that.I guess I'm more into the realistic shooters where you strategize a situation. I like games where you can take cover, peek, and shoot. Don't get me wrong though, most of my kills are from sheer reflex. But yeah, if you suck in Rainbow, you will get owned.......bad.Please Log In to post.
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