I personally feel that multiplayer was where the replay value paid for itself over and over again in the first game, and Infinity Ward obviously realizes that. The team's taken what works in multiplayer (the Killstreaks) and improved on it, and taken what doesn't work (like multiple grenade spamming) and removed it. That's right: you won't hear the "tink, tink, tink" sounds of rolling grenades in your sleep anymore.
Grenades are still in the game of course, but gone are the Martyrdom and the Frag x3 perks, so you won't have to run away from them every second. Well, nearly every second. Killstreaks now go all the way up to 25, and while IW includes old favorites like the UAV and Airstrikes, there are now a lot more toys to play with as well. You can guide in Predator missiles, call in airdrops, jam the enemy radar, and summon multiple airborne vehicles (no more waiting for enemy copters to disappear before you can deploy your own). My personal favorite is Emergency Airdrop, which showers down four crates containing random Killstreak rewards
On the flipside of Killstreaks are the addition of Deathstreaks. If you are being pwned in multiplayer, these are your new best friend. There are four total and you'll start by default with the Copycat Deathstreak, which gives you the Perk load-out of the enemy who last killed you if you suffer multiple deaths in a row without killing anything. New Deathstreaks (including Martyrdom) are unlocked as you level up, and you can only select one to use per match. It's a nice boost that takes a small step toward balancing the game, but it's not going to turn the game around for you single-handedly. Remember: If you're being helped by a Deathstreak, it means the other team is racking up kills. So it's like a badge of honor made out of dog poop. Sure, it's a reward, but do you really want it?
Some one said above that there are cheaters,hackers I know that perks given to ppl can really have an advantage on the noobie's or the one having a lower rankin the first prestige besides that the "hackers" on x box live.. how is that possible ?
Multiplayer is where the action is for mostmw players, and there is enough new stuff here to make you feel like you're not just getting a few new maps; a much-needed shot in the arm from the original, which has since grown stagnant after it saw only one map pack with four new maps over the past two years.
I think its a beautifull game and I LOVE IT !!
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