[QUOTE="Shinoadr"][QUOTE="darkghost75"] people who happened to find the game early in a store shouldn't get banned.
Yes, yes they should.
No, that would be retarded.
Banning legit, paying, customers is quite possibly the worst idea ever. Hopefully MS does not have their head that far up their own ass.
Ban the pirates, and the modders. Who the hell really cares if little johnny got to buy and play Gears 2 three days before anyone else?
seriously. i don't care if someone got gears a week before me. i still get to paly the game in the end don't I? i care when companies have to shut down production on IPs i like because their losing to much money, or when someone can kill me instantly because they've hacked a game. hell, if they get gears early, thats the distributors fault, and microsoft can't ban people based on the fact that they had the unfortune to buy the game too early.
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