first of all... merry xmas!!! well my story is kinda long but i'll sum it up real quick. my dad ordered the holiday bundle package on ebay about a month ago when just a couple of days ago he kinda figured out it was a scam. not that it was priced strangely, it cost about 450 and it was brand new, but my dad forgot to check the seller's feedback because of the rush. he discovered that he guy had not sent the items to other costumers and what not returning emails. so right when my dad told me (sunday) i was about to cry.. i just got really sad. well yesterday i was feeling kinda down but at the same time i was happy with my parents cause they told me that they were gona do anything at their reach to get me one. happy but stil not expecting anything. then yesterday night i saw all of the presents below the tree but i didn't see a big box that resembled the xbox 360. anyway, since we were having a xmas dinner with family and friends i had to drive my girlfriend back to her house. when i got back i saw one little (not) extra box that wasn't there before. so then the curiosity and excitement kicked in. my mom came down the stairs at around 2am and told us we could open them. she likes seeing us happy on xmas day.. so first i opened all of the little ones and then ...
the xbox 360 holiday bundle package (forza 2 and mua)!!!!!! woooo what!!! i was jumping!!! :D i was so excited. not only that but my mom got me assasin's creed, oblivion:goty, gears of war, lost planet, crackdown and saint's row. my girlfriend got me nba 2k8!!!! man i love it!!it's hdmi xbox!!!! :D:D i love it man i was playing til 8am today and i just got up now!!
impressions.. assasin's creed beat all of my expectations :/ i played a bit of oblivion, a bit of nba 2k8 but when i played assasin's creed i was hooked. the enviroments are so.. gorgeous. really good game. it's turning out to be one of my fav games. the graphics are just insane. now today i'll the rest and oblivion!!!!! merry xmas to everyone!!!!!!
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