COD 4giants161
The worst is K&L
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Def Jam Icon because of its extrmely slow combatStar-Killer
oh yes what a horrible sequel to such a good fighting series, the dual analog play was just absolutely horrible and really killed all the fun of the game
avatar burning earthaccretia27At least u can get 1000gs in like 2 mins but yeah it sucks really bad their mouths don't even move when they talk
I thought Hour of Victory was the definitive "craptacular" 360 game?SpigleyMcCheese
COD 4giants161
The only thing that could make it more arcady(Is that a word)? would be "HEADSHOT" and "UNFREAKING-BELIEVABLE" blaring in your speakers while you play.
I love how the new COD game coming up will feature perks also , if they dont do it right its gonna be stupid, imagine mounting a Japanese mortar with Sonic Boom and Juggernaut while you have a buddy cover you. Good luck taking that hillside.
Assassins Creed or X-Men3 the game
OHHHHHHH YEAH!!!!!!!!! I already put Smackdown vs Raw as the worst game I have ever bought but the worst game I have ever PLAYED is absolutely X-Men 3 The Game (rented it). That game was absolute garbage.
Yeah i haven't played many of the absolute worst games out there, but i did play the demo of two worlds, and i thought wow... this game literally just made me want to throw a puppy at a wall. That's how bad it was. I like dogs. Thats some serious suckage right there.
Universe At War: WTF it's lagging at the main menu!!!!!!!!!!
Turok: How many damn rockets can that stupid T-Rex eat?
Demo Two Worlds: I just died after being hit by a beginning enemy in one hit, this is gonna blow...
trying to get it up: Marc Ecko
or what ever it's called
go back to making clothes(actually i'd prefer if stopped doing that too)
why is everyone hatin on 2 worlds? It was just as good as oblivion in my opinion.
That Olympics crap has to be the worst peice of garbage ever.
All these games are craptacular; the ones that scrape the bottom of the bargain bin.
But the real dissapointment lies in the supposed AAA titles that you await spending all your cash on and then they drop the ball. Assassin's Creed, Blue Dragon, Mercenaries 2, even Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. When you expect greatness and receive a turd, that's when it's the worst ever.
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