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#1 = Undertow ... hands down, it was really really bad.. good thing i got it for free...
next i would say Small Arms....
then i would say Prey
and don't forget: Frontlines: Fuel of War --- fun at first... then it becomes sooooooo boring..... same thing over & over & over.....well ive played alot of bad games for 360.
but the two that stick out alot for me is Burnout Paradise and Over G fighters...
Quite simply Halo3 and Gears of War (1&2), overrated games that have absorbed all attention that other titles deserved. If you disagree ill advise you to play Metal Gears Solid 4 and Final Fantasy 7, two 'solid' games that should be considered a template for other games.KorruptRaiden
Final Fantasy 7? How is that not overrated?
Oblivion for me. I know I am going to get crap for this but its my personal opinion.Atreyu606
I wouldn't say the worst - but I can't stand it now either. After being infatuated with it for so long, I don't see what I saw in it.
Yaris and Undertow were pretty bad. But the worst game IMO is Soldier of Fortune: Payback.
More than likely most of us, if any, have never even played the truly worst game on the 360 of all time. That's like one of those games that does not even get reviewed by GS and you might see on like an issue of Game Informer in the "mass reviews" section and it's gotten a flat 0/10 or .5/10 or something with the reviewer just saying, "what in the hell were the developers of this piece of donkey crap thinking? I would rather have my testicles torn out into a long string, have the string covered in honey, have wasps go at it and sting the hell out of it, have what remained stretched out into a swim cap and have vingegar poured onto it and then be worn by a nazi." Like I said, we more than likely have never felt like that so prolly have never actually played the truly most horrible game :-P
I was reading up above and saw someone saying something about how Halo 3 and the GoW games got a lot of undeserved hype when people could have been playing Final Fantasy 7 or Metal Gear Solid 4.
First off, those are playstation games and halo and GoW are XBOX games. Secondly, they both got a monster amount of hype. MGS4 was like this enormous achievment and sold a ton of copies and I still see TV commercials for it cuz it's one of the few PS3 exclusive games that is truly good and wtf Final Fantasy 7? Where you been man? Most popular Final Fantasy game of all time, hello? It has it's own movie, several games based off it, a book, and I believe a manga too. People aren't paying like $200 on ebay for a copy of Final Fantasy 7 still to this day cuz it got no type. You do know the game is going on like 12 years old too, right? If I could get myself a copy of it I would play it and beat it again for like the 3rd time just because of how fun it was... still is. I personally can't say that about final fantasy 8-12. To this day Sqauresoft or Enix w/e the hell they wanna be called can't top it.
Perfect Dark Zero is the worst I've played so far. Really unfair and cheap SP, crap MP. And since when is Joanna Dark a Bratz doll?
Prey was kinda crap, but I am biased cause it glitched me out of my achievement for beating the game (not a big deal, yeah, but come on, can that bit of code really be so hard to write properly?) .
A lot of people are putting down games they think are overrated here, which, as a previous poster said, isn't the point. If you want to make a list of overrated games, do it in a thread for that. You may not like Halo/Gears/GTA/insert game name here, but that doesn't mean it's the worst game of all time. This is supposed to be about games that are simply rotten to their core, or so buggy they're unplayable, etc. That said, here's my picks.
XBLA game: Yaris. Apart from simply being awful in every respect, the game is nothing but a pathetic commercial for the car. The worst game I've ever played on any platform.
Retail games: Far Cry Instincts Predator & Superman Returns easily take the cake. Both are unbelievably buggy and broken, as well as simply not fun. I also thought Call of Duty 3, Battlestations Midway, Spiderman 3, Star Trek Legacy, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Blacksite Area 51, and MLB 2k7 were awful, though none of them were as bad as Far Cry or Superman.
In your guys opinoin, what is the worst Xbox 360 game of all time?
[/QUOTE Hey this one is easy THE TRANSFORMERS by far AND plenty.I would say that Beijing olympics game.Slashfan10
oh my god yeah. first time i turned my 360 off in less than 5 minutes
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