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I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but it happens to everyone. I've encountered people while playing online that have irritated and disgusted me to the point of not playing online anymore and finding out where they live and meeting them personally to beat them to death(which wouldn't really do me much good considering I'm 19 and most of these punks are underage), but it's something you eventually learn to deal with and work around. I know Microsoft has been trying a lot harder to put somewhat of a dent in this problem but there are so many people on live and microsoft just can't keep tabs on everyone and know exactly what they're doing and saying all the time.Knubbz360
Thanks for the understanding see I thought I had learned to deal with it. Previously I barely flinched when I heard that stuff but that guy was just so persistent, he did'nt listen to a word just kept saying it over and over again. Apart from when he said what have the uk got nothing and we got microsoft and rockstar and then when I pointed out that american companys bought most of are game companys out and rockstar was originally scottish he just started going "**** the uk" again over anything I said. I did eventually back down and just let him go on till the end of the match (did I mention he team killed me every round after he found out I was from the uk, always spawned behind me :(). I guess im gonna have to learn with that level too soon though because there's gonna be plenty of that in halo 3's online (well if its anything like the previouse games online :P).
You know what I've been noticing alot more lately. Poor defenseless little kids (high voices give it away) just getting contantly attacked and harrassed by what sounds to be 16-20ish year olds (constant poorly put together curses give it away). The kids say one little thing like "got ya" and suddenly you've got 3 highschool/early college kids jumping down their thoats screaming the same curse over and over, I just don't get the fun in it.WillT12345
Sounds like the younger ones are more mature lol :P
Was the guy American? Besides, just ignore it.... there are idiotic morons like that all over the world, the best way to deal with it is to either ignore him, or humiliate him in the room in front of everyone.
On saints row you get use to hearing racism and Ive never been bothered before but this one guy has just got to me. Ok no one and I mean no one in this match said anything at anytime (including loading screens) to set this guy off. I wont go in to detail but basically this guy was going "**** the uk" for the entire match. Yeah Ive filed a complaint and Im not gonna ask you to do that (even though I know 1 complaint does'nt make a difference) but if you could just please (send some random message to get to this guys profile, I think thats the easiest way of doing it) submit a bad player review (preferably for voice communications, and then unpleasant language). If enough people do it maybe we'll have one less severely raciest person of saints row. The guys gamertag is FeaR xTHABESTx if you wanna help. Asking you to do this may seem spiteful but this guy would push anyone over the edge of what their willing to take.proud722report him to microsoft
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