Recently i decided to put Gears of War 2 CD in to play it and to my dismay there was huge cracks on the inner circle... i rubbed my nail across it because i didnt believe it and a huge chip of plastic came off...
I checked all my other games and they have tiny "chips" witch leads me to believe this is caused by inserting the games back into the plastic casing...
Anyone else have this problem? me personaly i treat my games realy well and most of my games have no scratchs on the actual disc except for the inner circle. I never thought twice about "Clicking" them back into the plastic case but now that im seeing this im going to be alot more carefull.
This thread also servs as a heads up to people who "Think" there treating there discs verry well, feedback would be much apreciated.
I have over 30 games and this is realy disapointing.
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