Devil May Cry Metal gear Solid 4 GTA IV Ghost Recon Assassins Creed Fight Night Round 3 Final Fantasy Final XIII Eight days The gateway 3 saints row 2 prototype killzone 2 Haze gran turismo 5 mercenaries 2 world of flames littlebigplanet fallout 3 prototype final fantasy vs XIII Playstation Home Resistance Fall of Men 2 Motorstorm 2
Devil May Cry 4 mulit GTA IV mulit Assassins Creed mulit Fight night round 3 mulit
nice foru say games xbox got games but can't say ps3 don't have games theses r some thats already on ps3 or coming on ps3
360 sale the most software out of everyone
xbox haven't even even out sold wii consoleswhich been out less time 360 had a year head start
and u look ps3 and 360 at their first year ps3 out saleing 360 in the first period look it up if u don't believe me
xbox 360 need sale 100 million consoles to be on some level of ps2 which sold 120 million consolesworld wide
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