Do you think Xbox live hackers are minor annoyance or major problem? I've had countless numbers of minor annoyances from hackers like cheating to win games and sure those are very annoying but it's just a game. But today I had a REALLY bad experience with a hacker, I was "Host Booted" which means this person flooded my IP address so bad that it froze my Xbox and computer and completly stopped my internet for 5 minutes then everything worked normally well, I thought but I can't play online games for more than an hour now because my internet stops working and shuts off for 5 minutes again. I found out that "Host Booting" is illegal and the kid (If caught) could get a $50,000 fine but really, do you think anyones going to report him? So, like I asked earlier: Hackers, minor annoyance or major problem? Also, I'm not sure if this is allowed or not on here or not but if you've been seriously hacked like me and think the person that did it needs to be punished post the gamertag of the person so everyone knows who they are and can file a complaint against them. I won't name the person that did it to me until I know it's allowed but let's just do this...I'll call him: eM yoU Pee aycH yoU Eee
i am still trying to figure out how they hack the system, had some small anoyences no major problems (aimbots and a guy who shot his entire clip in 1 second)
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