Someone suggested getting an Inter-cooler that attatches to the back of your 360. I anti-sugget that. That saps power away from your 360, and normal fans will blow dust inside.
The 360 is a machine more than capable of cooling itself. My first 360 was kept inside the entertainment cabinet along with my older consoles. PS2 and Gamecube, however, are older systems, and don't generate nearly as much heat as the 360. While they're fine inside the cabinet, the 360 was not. I gave it some room inside, but hot air would bounce right back. I bought an intercooler, and three days later I had the red lights.
Microsoft sent me a new 360, which I keep on top of the cabinet, with plent of room on all sides for ventalation.
Also, if the heat in mostly in the back of the 360, it means that the fans are doing a good job keeping the heat away from the procesors. Just give your 360 a little breathing room.
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