I have played every big release this year onX360. With only a couple of big releases yet to come out I am pretty certain I have my GotY nailed. If you think you have your GotY show us and include a few notable other games that made a strong impression on you this year.
My Game of the Year is easily Mass Effect 2. Nothing has come close to this game all year. I was captivated by the characters, loved the game world and its many environments and thoroughly enjoyed the story and the gameplay.
Notable mentions in no particular order:
Just Cause 2: Very fun action sand boxer that doesn't take itself seriously but provides tons of things for the player to do and locales to explore.
Transformers War for Cybertron: Excellent single player and fun online. The banter between the characters especially during the Decepticon missions was fantastic and reminiscent of the G1 series.
Fable 3: Really charming game with some great voice acting and entertaining lines. The gameplay is a bit too easy but the gameworld is beautifully realised.
Battlefield Bad Company 2: Outstanding multiplayer with a lot of depth and generally a really good community too.
NHL 11: The new physics engine really adds to the gameplay and the controls are tighter than last year. Looking forward to how they implement stage 2 of their real time physics engine next year.
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