I'd like to get Left 4 dead, or fable 2 next on my list.
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Wheelman-I love the demo!what is your next game you will be purchasing guys? Im probably getting guitar hero metallica next or chronicles of riddick assault on dark athena.
By looking at current release dates my next purchase will be Battlestations: Pacific.
I can't wait for that game we seem to be the only two that want it lol. I haven't heard a single person besides you mention it on the forums.
I do...
I've been waiting since like forever..
By looking at current release dates my next purchase will be Battlestations: Pacific.
I can't wait for that game we seem to be the only two that want it lol. I haven't heard a single person besides you mention it on the forums.
I do...
I've been waiting like since forever..
Woohoo another person wants it :P.
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