First we saw Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier's box art flashing the seemingly arrogant Better with Kinect Sensor logo.

Today Turn 10 revealed the cover art for Forza 4 and they also have this title, which seems odd because there is no alternative being an exclusive title.
What are your thoughts on this new approach by Microsoft? I personally don't like it and they should of just kept it the same as before.
Whoa whoa whoa, I know everybody has their own opinions and I respect that, but for people who want "hardcore" games with Kinect and everything, speak for yourself when saying "should of just kept it the same as before." Times are changing man, you are just going to have to get used to it.
I think if you don't have to use it, then I don't get what the problem is. It's just a box. Heck, the Kinect features may even be (Gasp!) fun.
Now I agree with you 100%. If you have the OPTION ( @Sainterz, notice the all caps response of OPTION (oops, must be a keyword in my sentence, did it twice)), then people shouldn't have to whine about Kinect branching out. Its for the people who want to use it, you know, people like me. If you don't want to, its your OPTION (third time is a charm) not to use it.
NOTE* "Better with Kinect Sensor" also means, in maybe a word I used before, OPTION (Holy cow, definite key word here). With the other titles like Kinect Sports or Dance Central, on the case it said, "Kinect Sensor Required," meaning there is no option.
Sorry to be so deliberate and rude, but I was just emphasizing my point.
I'm down with what you said 100%.
As someone who doesn't have Kinect yet I'm looking forward to it. I want a Kinect, but the software just isn't there for me ATM, but it will be if they start adding things like this
I'm hearing more and more murmurs about Gears being better with Kinect, at least that's what the MS Retail Rep has been telling us at the place I work. Of course, he has no concrete proof, so he's probably talking out his ***. At best I can only imagine a rail Gears shooter. But I am looking forward to all Better With Kinect games in general.
Bring it on, I say.
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