One time on halo 3 beta on the level with the huge door or gate w/e. There is 3 seconds left and me and my friend suicidallygo for the flag im supose to circle it with the monguse and pick him up right buti get schooled by a lazer whore my friend grabs the flag runs. I respawn grab a monguse drive over to him pick him up mow downthe guy shooting at him he gets on and i start powering back and he jumps out as soon as we pass the doors for some gay reason then i get powned by the same lazer noob. He is charging backt o the base with there whole team on him and he is getting powned so i jump out of the corner where the sniper is and jump in front of a sniper shot, lazer and rocket im not kidding you but it was sick and he actually captures the flag with NO health or sheild and we just scream into the mic as loud as we canOH MY F***ING GOD!!! and scream till they leave the party it was sick if any of you guys can match something as sick and truthful as thati wouldlike to hear about it.
There was also this sick game on halo 2 (coagulation) where me and my friend are in a hog and this random guy in thegunner seat and teamsare both one capture away fromwinning tha match. They grab our flag in a worthog and drive off right and we chase after themim dodging thiertank shots and sniper shots.I pull ahead of them and my friendjumps out and jumps onto thier worthog. Next thing i know there are two banshees hunting us down both on the other team. I quickly start ramming there worthog with mine and my friend is trying to beat them out of it so i pull ahead turn it bail and left them ram into it the driver in theres get schooled by out guy in the turret. There is still sniper shots, tank shots and bashees shooting at me and my friend who bailed at the last second were pinned behind a rock getting nuked by everything then this random guy on my team totally bails us out with a tank we use the tank as a shield to get to there base and the guy in the tank gets owned right. so there are 2 guys with the **** and me and my friend trying to kill them my friend gets dropped by one of the sickest sniper shots ever i jump down assasinate the flags escort and then a sick fire fight between me and 3 other guys (2 snipers) and the flag carrier. I no scope the other guy so there is only the flag carrier so i run for it strafe around a ton of sniper bullets and beat down the **** guy before he can beat me down so i grab the flag recapture ours and im stuck there at the enmy base with two snipers and a tank and one banshee i jump in my friends wort hog as he drives us back right he comes out of nowhere so we drive back and there whole team is at my base waiting for me my friend ramps off this rock or w/e i bail at the perfect moment land on the ramp and i jump into the capturre point it was sick insanel sick this all happend in less then a munit it was literally insane i have never seen or heard anything like it.
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