Hey guys! I am Katty's Vlogs. Please subscribe! Thank you! My channel is all about my life and vlogs!
Hey guys! I am Katty's Vlogs. Please subscribe! Thank you! My channel is all about my life and vlogs!
Hi eveyone my name is Luke, i'm 24 and a dad of 2 but i'm the biggest kid, period. Ive loved playing games for as long as i can remember and recently decided to join the millions in the gaming video world. I've got a few videos posted and plan to do walkthroughs, guides, montages, stream and any other suggestions. This is new to me so any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Subs: 74
Views: 911
I have started my channel in August 2015
after lots of hard working my channel is growing very well have good number of subscriber with good amount of views perday
i am very much thank full too all my subscribers and friend who help me to reach here
I love to play Android Games and have more then 600 games video to my youtube Channel
Hello guys,
I am a gamer and recently started a new channel that will be most about gaming for ps4, gaming reviews and vlogging, can you please help me to grow this channel, watching some of my videos and subscribing.
At the beginning i will be posting at least 3 videos a week, the second video on my channel will be posted later one. The channel been live less then 48 hours. Thank you so much :)
My Channel Name is: Mário Filipe Neves, but i am known by UnderCroft or MarioCroft.
Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSARD4YzfEqX4D3BK8NOZSQ
This channel is about Gaming, Gaming Reviews and Vlogging
I am now with 63 views on the video that i have and so far i am with 4 subscribers :)
If you would like to add me on PSN my user is: UnderCroft
Many thanks guys, all the best and lets all gamers be together :)
Wazz Up Peeps!
I just opened up my new gaming channel! And, i'm new here! Pretty much, I will make the best Walkthroughs/Playthroughs! It's going to be Professional, Legit, And Fun! At the moment, I only have a PS3! But, I have tons of games I can do! Also, I have Sony Vegas, Photoshop! I just bought a Blue Snowball Mic Earlier Today! It will come tuesday! I also bought a PS4 Pro! But, it's not here yet! So yeah! See Ya Guys Later!! :) <3
If you want to grow your community, follow my twitter and tag us to get promoted!
We are growing fast
Twitter @TwitchNetworkHQ
Hello everyone, I have just opened an educational based youtube channel for kids. But I have got only 6 subscribers. I am totally confused should I quit with this project or continue to it. This youtube channel is my dream, to teach children byways of entertainment. But I find depressed seeing the subscribers. I kindly request those who read my post please please please do subscribe and share my videos. If I get more subscribers I will enthusiastically create more and more videos...
Please check my youtube channel
I make video for kids
You like please sub ;)
Hey folks!
Pretty much floating around in the same boat, here! I've had a channel for a while, now which is littered with a plethora of etcetera, (film contests, metal detecting, music covers several of which are actually video game songs on a chapman stick, and what-have-you) and have only recently started to record and release video game related videos! The first one is a sort of Angry Video Game Nerd parody (which I'm excited to do more of) and the others are styled more like James and Mike Mondays, both of which are by Cinemassacre. You know, two (or more) dudes sitting on a couch playing mostly obscure, nonsense games and making jokes! It's been a lot of fun to do and regardless of viewers or not, we want to keep doing them! But of course, viewers would be nice to have! Haha...
Anyway, I'd be happy to do a classic you scratch my back I'll scratch yours scenario with anybody! AKA I'll follow you and you follow me! Or whatever, just check out each other's channels! For the record, my videos are definitely a little more on the NSFW side of the fence sometimes...
So if anyone wants to check it out, here's the link to my channel! Just click on the playlists and check out the video games section! Unless of course you're also into things like metal detecting and video game music covers with a weird instrument... in which case check those out, too!
Chqjlsr (channel about pc gaming with comic side) Community: YouTube changed the way to monetize is content. If you would show your support by both watching is videos and subscribing to is channel if you haven’t already done so. Monetize is videos allows him to invest back into the channel with new so a small gesture from you goes a huge way for him. Many thanks to your support.
check out the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzxLYdTdTYfETWL9RmgR4KA?view_as=subscriber
My Channel name is D3ityCthulhu
The link to it us right here: https://youtu.be/eLi3B-OJQL4
My channel is sort of a "jack of all trades" kind of deal. I post anything from video game walkthroughs, to a tattoo showing, to yugioh card opening.
Currently I have 23 subscribers and 6000 total views.
My passion is my Youtube channel, now that I am out of the United States Marine Corps. I served 4 years 5 months and exited as a Corporal of Marines!
Thank you for your time!
hey, guys i have a small channel (33 subs) looking to expand my audience, i do mainly R6 siege videos and im pretty consistent with my uploads, ill sub to the posts i check out guys, please help me get my channel off the ground
Hi everyone,
What a great idea to have a place where we can all help each other out.
We are a new channel, showing mostly Minecraft videos, but with a view to expanding into other things. I like to think we are slightly different from other Minecraft vids as we are a mother and daughter team with me, the mother, being a complete noob and my 11 daughter trying to curb her frustration at my noobness
We like to think we’re funny, but I am sure that’s what all non-funny people think...
Would love any feedback/subscriptions/support and will gladly reciprocate.
Good luck everyone!
My channel:
Why hello there!
I have a very small youtube channel, which i upload gaming videos to, but sometimes there are random shennanigans that i upload too?
If you are ok the hunt for new content creators then why not give my channel a try?
After all it is FREE!
So if you've got any free time, here's my channel:
Any subscribers/feedback/criticism is greatly appreciated!
Thanks ?
hey guys, i started my youtue gaming channel and i hope if you huys help me get my dreams com true, please visit my channel and help if you enjoyed the content! thanks.
I have just subscribe to you guys channel. Please return the favour by doing the same for me too i beg you guys
Hey! I am a new youtuber trying to make it in the PokeTube universe. I upload daily, sometimes twice a day. Mainly just lets plays and walkthroughs and smogon random battles but in the future I plan on making top 10s, guides, quizzes and so forth. I need a bit of help from you guys so if you could check out my channel and if you like pokemon or just want to help out please like and sub. It would mean a lot to me! :)
Hi guys!
Kimtana here, and I'm so glad I found this, I'm going to post this then make my way up the forum subbing to you guys.
I'm a new YouTuber with a gaming/geekery channel.
My channel's focuses:
-Providing a place where people can be encouraged and entertained
-Making PG videos--no swearing, vulgarity, etc--so that my videos are appropriate for most ages
-Spotlighting indie developer games--they make amazing games, most of them are free, so why not show them to you! Then you can play them for yourself!
-A commitment for charity--I want to host charity live streams and donate Super Chats when I reach 1K subs to help this hurting, broken world, and I need YOU to help me achieve that.
-Creating a place where we work to help make this world a better place, and we do so as an amazing community that helps each other and those around us!
What does my channel include:
-Mostly Let's Play videos (seriously, like, 97% of it, lol)
-A Pokemon Nuzlocke series
-a few How-to-make videos
-Variety to come in the future, including vlogs, reviews, theories, and more
Thanks for watching, liking, sharing, and subscribing! I really appreciate it!
My channel, in an easy-to-remember, handy-dandy tinyurl format:
I'll see you guys when I see you!
Hey everyone I just started a gaming channel 2 months ago. Im just trying to grow my channel to live out my dreams and reach so many people. Would you guys mind helpibg me out by dropping a sub and sharing the channel. Thanks
Hello! I'm Debujin, and I'm a fairly new YouTuber; I run a little channel called Gigas Breaker, which aims to cover what's going on in the fighting games genre. The channel's URL is http://www.gigas-breaker.tk - it's in it's infancy at the moment, but we have some juicy stuff like news, trailer reviews/analysis, match videos, etc. I aim to turn the channel into one of the big players (no pun intended!) on the Internet for fighting games - we're not exactly Shoryuken just yet, but it's early days and small steps. Our current number of subscribers is 4 (at last count!), and the viewer number is 590.
I know our stats probably sound pitiful, but we've got some decent content on the channel at the moment, so please consider stopping by. Or, if you were to make the extra leap and subscribe, we would be seriously grateful. If you're a fighting games fan, please feel free to come on down and say hi! :)
Hi guys!
Really wanting to get some eyes on my channel :) It's a gaming-based channel with added comedy entertainment! If you give me a sub I'll happily do the same :D
This is is for Filipino gamers only help me out https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN9k99eTg4zpPpmV4FbftCA
Hello all I run a small youtube channel called SwollenEye Games, where I play survival horror games. I play games such as Visage, Alien Isolation, Pacify and a lot more. I post every day and live stream every tuesday with some random days thrown in to. Come check my channel out and if you like it hit that subscribe button. Always open to game suggestions and constructive criticism
Hello, do you like to laugh? Do you like pleasure? Do you want to feel both at the same time? I have a (very) small YouTube channel that i'm trying to grow a little bit. I post videos about toilets. so you can already assume what my humor is going to be (not very mature). I'm not 12 however i can assure you of that. My name on You Tube is Pip Toilet and if you would check me out and subscribe if you want to see more toilets that would be very cool. I post every other day by the way. Thanks for reading. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoDc0jQhEJXwItOXonlNq5w?view_as=public
I've recently started a series on youtube which is based around a no commentary experience. There will be two episodes daily and it serves as a bit of an experiment. It would be great if you could check it out! The video image quality is a bit blurred and that is unfortunately due to video editing software I will no longer be using, so expect some improvement there.
I also plan to release videos from other games and want to start up a creative series of time lapses to accompany these no commentary episodes.
At any rate I hope you enjoy!
Would be great to grab some subs, and I'm definitely willing to check out anyones content!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDa3xl5q_a_CCSt2o3DfNYA https://royal-escorts.org/
APOLOGIES FOR THE LOW VOLUME. Edited this video as I have all the others; not sure what happened. The good news: getting a new video camera today. Fingers crossed it makes me look a little less inept. ? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you've watched my videos, you know just how lovable I am. (Just kidding...kind of.) So it should come as no surprise that clients sometimes develop feelings for me. This week's episode of AAE addresses the different ways those feelings can impact my work and what I do when a client falls for me. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to this channel if you liked this episode. 6 out of 5 clients with serious boundary issues recommend it.
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http://lnnk.in/@mumbaiescortagency |
https://rea.link/Mumbaiescortagency |
http://trsurl.com/l/3cx |
This week's offering isn't an answer to a viewer question - it's my new channel trailer! Though technically it does partially answer the question "What do you wear to work?" Heh. Not a typical AAE weekly video, obviously, but still feel free to leave your comments and any questions you have for me below. Love reading what you have to say!
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