I'm not sure why, but my first post didn't show up, so I'll try this again.
Hi seany9990,
I love your idea about having a thread to get feedback on each others channels!
I looked at your two videos. I liked the review for the Batman game. It was informative and made good points about the game. One thing to note, I did notice you said "Um..." a lot. Don't worry too much about it, I've done it several times as well, but try to avoid it as much as possible. In your second video, you didn't enunciate as well and sounded monotone. Try to sound your words more clearly and add more emotion to your narration. One last thing that I would like to suggest, is perhaps cut your outro to be shorter. Ten seconds for something like that is plenty. Any longer kind of feels like you are being too pushy. I really hope that I gave good feedback and that it helps you.
I currently have a Let's Play series that I recently finished on my channel. I feel that my later videos are better than my first few, but because it is a series, I feel weird posting them out of order... So I'll post the first video here for feedback. If you have time and enjoy my content, I would love if you could check out the other videos and let me know whether I have improved or not. If not, I understand. Oh, and don't worry about hurting my feelings at all. I want honest feedback. Constructive criticism is good criticism (as long as it's not rude)! =) I look forward to your feedback.
Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOwaLrlrDxa9aG81Ssu6Z5Q
Here is my first video:
I am starting a new Let's Play series next week, and would love feedback for that too. =)
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