Hey Ya'll,
Heres my video for the week! I'm doing more and more videos in the 'Gaming with Jadee' series because they're fun and easy to edit. Let me know what you think!
@seany9990: Good video man. Decent series overall. It's always pretty fun to watch people play games together.
Guys I would be happy to give you all feedback but you have to return the favor to me first at least...
this is pretty much the best unboxing i've done as of yet. tell me what you think of it and tell me please how i can make it better. :) thank you very much! :D
@aaronlovesfood: You've got a cool room, buds. I mean, other then that the whole tour felt like it could have been spliced up into a 2-3 min video. I feel like for small kinds of videos like these the shorter the better. But that's just me! I'm not the kind of person to watch these videos on a daily basis!
@seany9990: Great video man! My one thing I'd like for you guys to work on for your next videos, edit the audio! When you guys yell it distorts, which is totally common, but with a bit of editing that distortion will go away and make the video 300x better! Other than that, you guys sound like an awesome pair!
@tagleashgamer: I loved the video. The camera is great.
However I feel that the watermark is far too big. So far thats all the advice I can give other than that great video
@naztyrican: Not really a fan of Montages myself but I really enjoyed this one.
Very well edited. I also loved the 60fps.
A personal suggestion from me is to slow it down just before you kill them and not when you start doing it or after you have done it.
Also I noticed that the music in the background started to distort after the minute mark due to the loudness of it. Turning it down would make it better for me anyway
Here's my last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVRH3eCTh8Y
It's not related with video games at all but I figure you might find it entertaining anyway.
I started the channel a few weeks ago and I don't really have an audience yet so I would really appreciate if you could share the video.
Thanks Lads!
Yeah the unboxing goes yeah it was to long but it was how we wanted it. It was just a test to see all the analytics's mainly and we were more focused on the composition, lighting and sound .We could have/ Should have cut it way shorter oh well it was a spur of the moment thing too with no planning. As far as extra informative on screen text and graphics it did slipped our minds.
Once again thanks for the feedback.
Below is another quick video, this time a PC gameplay - ARK Survival Evolved with Oculus DK2 headset. (Sorry for any swearing in the video!). Filmed with A7S + 24-105mm + Shogun + Zoom H6. Played on 5960x + Titan x + 32gb Ram + X99 Asus Deluxe.
@nicolasdescham: I can see that you have put alot of effort into it however it is not my type of video so I didn't enjoy it :(
Dont take my reviews to heart! But if you review my videos please be brutally honest. - its the only way to improve!
Ok, so here is some honest truths for the some of the most recent videos I've watched in this thread. I hadn't reviewed any and thought I need to give back. Once again I'm sorry if I am blunt or missed anything in your video but I had to play it how I would watch it in real life for my maximum honest opinion. Basically treat your video like any other video I come across. I think I do have a good eye for what I like however I'm not a typical binge YT viewer either. I do have a passion for videography although I'm not good at it myself yet, hence why I am here seaking your criticism on my poorly executed videos. So I look at lighting, composition, sound, graphics, color, editing. All things I know a little bit about through books and courses but things I'm not good at myself lol. I'm such a hypocrite lol. (people shouldn't throw stones at others when they live in glass houses LOL)
@seany9990Audio is good, clear and crisp. However I'm not really a fan of voice overs in general, although I do have a few videos myself with VO LOL. I like to see the person gaming in video like that. I dont know why I just think it adds some depth to what you are doing and makes it more credable. Also your girlfriend sounds hot. (dont tell my wife and I hope she isnt 14 lol.) Also not a fan of them games. But maybe thats big? I dont care to find out, But that's just me. Nice intro by the way, bright and easy. Other thant I cant grade lighting or composition because its just straight gameplay recording. I did find myself skipping through it at times.
@tagleashgamer Hey I just done a video unboxing myself lately and went for the presentation Linus style whilst you went the Unbox therapy overhead style. I think if you go your route you need better lighting, video and crisp sound with perfect composition. You have nice logos and graphics - you obviously have skillz that I wish I had, Congrads!!! however I feel like its just another unboxing. You need to add something to make you who you are. Make it so people remeber you. Face recognition helps a lot. Think Linus, Jayz2cents, Barnicules etc
@naztyrican Sorry bro for this but I feel like I've seen a million of these videos and I know I'm bored of them. Maybe thats just me?? I like your thumbnail composition - its quite demanding and draws me in. You need to find that next level to add to make your videos different, better, memorable. There are 75,000 gaming channels on youtube. A 3rd dimension is required. Audio wasnt the best for me either. Not sure if it was my laptop though.
@couchpalsThanks for the kind words! I showed Jai what you said too. We agree Twitch and Youtube LiveStream Gaming are on the cards for us. However we are hamstrung with our current internet connection. We are looking at moving to a warehouse with 100mb Down/40mb Up. We have some awesome ideas that we cant wait to share but have to refine ourselves and learn by trial and error atm. We do have some decent gear to enable us to make some decent content but we really have to look at ourselves first - speaking clear and direct is an area that requires improvement for us, also letting loose will go a long way. I've inquired about some voice acting classes which should help. Jai and I were saying its like being at a Bar and everyone is drunk and we are sober unable to let go and be a free spirit lol. We will get there, we are very excited! We want to be different and entertain, and thats where our other ideas that we haven't shared yet will define us.
So we took on what people said here and in a couple other forums. We played with some Custom Thumbnails (I'm no photoshop expert lol) we tried a longer unedited video with Episode 1 and a shorter tightly edited Episode 2. The Analytics will decide the winner there I guess. We got the audio a bit better however we do have patches here an there that are not the best. Tomorrow we will try the shotgun mic over head in front of us. Also we made both of us available in each corner instead of only one of us with the Oculus DK2. We tried to cut out the swearing. At the start of Ep1 I drop a few unsavory words lol - they are not there anymore! I never knew how much I swear. I think Jai spoke very well I was sort of stuck in no mans land being the non player (between bored and wanting to play lol. Tomorrow we will continue on with ARK and the DK2. We absolutely have no clue how to actually play the game but its pretty fun. There are lots of options for crafting and interacting with objects.
Here are the two new videos produced today. Please tell us if they are an improvement. Well only if they are lol!
Thanks for your time!!!!
Hey guys! I've uploaded episode 4 for our So Many Me series and would love to hear what you all think about it. Throughout my videos I try to edit it with little imagery, let me know if you think it's too much or too little!
Hey guys! I've uploaded episode 4 for our So Many Me series and would love to hear what you all think about it. Throughout my videos I try to edit it with little imagery, let me know if you think it's too much or too little!
I had a look and its the best gameplay video with voice over Ive seen in this thread. I think your voices are spot on. How ever I found my self at 1:45 thinking of clicking off subconsciously. I know with the analytics of my videos that around the point I loose them too. We do have totally different videos but. I dont what to say to help. I do prefer to have faces visible. It really does help the viewers connect with you. But with voice overs you never miss that moment to say something funny. With my last two gameplay videos I found my self evaluating before I spoke and also during editing wishing I said other stuff. Although I was the non gamer just watching I didn't have that total game immersion to let me react instantly. I think instead of just straight game play like you have add in closeups, cut away's and transitions to signify milestones in games.
@couchpals: I would have to agree with @hatlesschimp here.
The video would be much more enjoyable with a facecam.
Everything else is spot on.
Not my type of video though again to be honest
@seany9990Hey Sean just saw Jadee in your GTA vid nice work. I recommend more face cams for your channel!!!
@hatlesschimp: Whoa, a lot to catch up on! aha! But thanks for all the honest words. Yeah, I want to do more face cam stuff and I'm still learning how to get better audio. Might need a new HD webcam. And I agree with most of what you said about other videos. Hopefully we'll all improve and can push on from here!
The logitech 910 is the best webcam you ill find. Full HD which is more than enough when you down scale it to a corner and punches out good chroma as well which is perfect for green screens. Audio is a big one. For voice over stuff I have the Sure SM7B (Michael Jackson's mic of choice) with the zoom h6. Works great, i haven't used it much as I should. I've been using wireless lav mics lately but getting really short on changing and charging batteries. But for any desktop voice over recording the the SM7B is a beast, but does cost a bit but it also depend how committed you are. Its a solid investment that will last years.
@hatlesschimp: @aaronlovesfood:
That's something I'll have to consider. I'm kind of going for that Game Grumps/Achievement Hunter feel for the videos, where it's primarily jokes and Voice Overs while at the same time reacting to all the shenanigans. Thanks for the advice you two!
@couchpals: Thanks! I was worried because so many people do Loot Crate unboxing but I thought we were a bit different? I was just about to watch a couple of your videos. I haven't heard of the Arcade Block? I was also just about to watch a few of your videos. Will post feedback later!
I think that this forum is a great idea! And the feedback people are giving is constructive rather than just being mean. I've watched FairyWren and NatoPotato's videos and I think it's pretty cool that you guys are trying something new. Nato's editing skills make the video better and I like that Wren talks a lot so there isn't an awkward silence. I'll try look through more when I get some time.
@couchpals: Hey couchpals, just finished watching a few of your videos and I really did enjoy them, and while I did sit through the whole of one of them with no problems, I think you could slice them up into shorter/sweeter videos. Also, I'd love to see you play some co op games so see some (messy) teamwork! ;) Im just glad to see some Canadians at work... I can barely scrape together any views from the homeland!
Could you guys please check out my introduction video and give me some helpful feedback in the comments, thanks. Also comment if you want to do any collaboration videos with me:D
@spongegaming Hey there. One thing that stood out for me in your video was the fact that you asked quite a few times for people like and subscribe. For me as a viewer it kinda sounds like begging. (I'm not trying to be a turd) I would just mention like commenting and subscribing once at the end of your video.
@couchpals hey guys! I like your videos they are pretty entertaining but I still think it would be over that top if you threw your faces up there for everyone to watch. Maybe a couple edits here and there to bring the total video time down a bit. Like hit some good highlights of the video and you'll be rocking.
@couchpals no I didn't do the whole thing myself. You can get templates and adjust and tweak and add things. I have all the software to do the whole thing but it takes quite some time so I kinda cheated. It was made in Sony Vegas Pro 13 so just finding a template and changing what you want is pretty easy. Thanks for liking it though!
So I posted a new episode this week and I focused on making it shorter via splicing it up and putting the uh.. "More entertaining" sequences together. I would really like to know what you guys think of it. Does it destroy the flow of the game, is it too much or too little? Was it enjoyable all throughout?
One thing I'm going to work on tonight and this weekend is to create a little overlay because I really don't like how empty the video looks, since the game is reduced to a square in the middle.
@spongegaming: If you plan on doing a lot of recordings showing off things like your set up, maybe consider buying a tri pod to have better panned shots. I mean, the hand held recording view looks good every now and then but if you want to give it a more "professional" look consider using some tools to give it that nice "sleak" look. But cool nonetheless!
@hatlesschimp: I would suggest on editing the audio by adding a normalizer and some compression so that the lows aren't lowered but the highs are adjust enough to not have your laughters overly loud. Secondly, and this is just a suggestion but I think it'd be super funny if when you add little edits like the Newman it appears through both Oculus view eye thingy. But aside from all that, it was fun watching you play/die/poop :D
@billybigrigger: Thanks for the feedback i really appreciate it. I was thinking that too but because im new i get nervous haha:D Thanks anyway :D
Can anyone give me feedback on my first series video on outlast it would be much appreciated:D
Hey, I run a webseries about turning video games into movies. Here's one of my earlier videos from when I took a look at adapting Mass Effect.
Hey guys I play video games check out my channel out I hope you like it:
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