What Gamespot Users have to say about Call of Duty: Finest Hour
- Rating:7
Not as good as we expected. Still, it's a decent game.
Call of Duty Finest Hour. The console verson of a great PC game. However, if you purchase this game expecting the same great experence from the PC version, you may be disapointed. One thing that remains intact is the sou... Read Full Review
1 of 7 users found the following review helpful - Rating:6.2
"a giant dissapointment"!!!
Call of Duty finally makes it console debut and fails miserably. There better off sticking to the PC. After watching a documentary on G4TV, i was pretty sure this would be a great game. Due to the great lengths the deve... Read Full Review
0 of 5 users found the following review helpful - Rating:6.6
Call of Duty was a good series....until now
When PC games are brought to consoles or vice versa, theres usually one of 2 results: a game that is better then or far worse then its counter part. Examples are KOTOR, halo, and now the aptly famed call of duty series. ... Read Full Review
2 of 13 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.2
Spark Unlimited delivers, in every conceivable and imaginable way possible.
How many times have we seen World War II games fail miserably? Sometimes, games that do fail, hit the floor face first and then wonder what went wrong. When I heard Spark Unlimited was developing Finest Hour, I was a l... Read Full Review
4 of 23 users found the following review helpful
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