Call of Duty: Championship
The 2014 Call of Duty Championship, presented by Xbox, will take place March 28-30, 2014 in Los Angeles, California, where 32 of the best teams from around the globe will ...
The 2014 Call of Duty Championship, presented by Xbox, will take place March 28-30, 2014 in Los Angeles, California, where 32 of the best teams from around the globe will ...
The GameSpot crew play through a 24 hour marathon on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to see which console you deem best.
Call of Duty comes out every year, but that doesn't mean it can't be a good game, does it? Find out if the latest in this blockbuster series is worth ...
Shaun McInnis and Chris Watters sit down to discuss the noticeable differences between Call of Duty: Ghosts on the Xbox One versus other platforms.
Hastr0 talks about Call of Duty: Ghosts at the MLG Columbus.
Activision has announced that Call of Duty: Ghosts is the best-selling game on the PlayStation 4 and the most pre-ordered on the Xbox One. Meanwhile, EA explains why they won’t ...
Which game is right for you? Which game will emerge the victor? Find out in our head to head competition of gaming's gargantuan shooters.
Join GameSpot as we play the PlayStation 4 on Wednesday, November 13th at 6 AM PST.
Take a look at the Call of Duty app, a new mobile and tablet experience designed to work hand-in-hand with Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Cam investigates the psychology behind being a jerk online. Why do we do it? Find out in this week's Reality Check.
Chris Watters gives you tips and tricks to get you started in Extinction Mode.
This week Microsoft bites back at Sony by confirming CD playback and DLNA support, BF4 will have head-tracking via Kinect, Infinity Ward tries to settle the 720p on Xbox One ...
This week, a few people are disgruntled about Call of Duty. Who are we kidding? People are always disgruntled about Call of Duty.
The final showdown stars on a train heavily littered with enemies. Fight your way up the train to find Rorke and complete your mission.
Launch an assault on a station in outer space.
Tank battle! Push through heavy gunfire to reach and airship with a group of tanks and take out all enemy vehicles and planes. Secure the control room and launch the ...
Clear a runway path to get carriers airborne and defend from enemy ships and planes. Use the osprey, mini-gun and missiles to destroy incoming navel attacks.
Your mission in Las Vegas is quickly haulted by Rorke and his men. Once free, make your way down the building with the other wounded soldiers killing anyone who gets ...
Silently infiltrate a factory, taking out all guards without getting noticed. Find your way into a secret area to upload visual scans of weaponized rods and scan factory data for ...
Don scuba gear to take out enemy ships in an underwater mission. It takes more bullets to take down enemies than it does on land, so multiple shots are necessary. ...
Clear a base camp in Antarctica, but don't forget to stop and play a bit of pool before shutting off the pressure regulators of a massive oil rig and heading ...
Wear enemy uniforms to get into a highly guarded area. Use night vision and turrets to take out guards. Download files and exit the facility unscathed
Interrogations with Rorke go badly, and you find yourself stranded in the middle of a heavy jungle environment being hunted by the enemy. Quietly take down enemy soldiers while locating ...
Raid on an offshore industrial facility by helicopter, taking out enemy vehicles, ships and other enemy helicopters.
Use the optic scanner to gather data on your target then zip line down the building taking out targets as you reach the correct floor. Upload a virus to the ...
In the middle of a war zone, work with your squad to take down enemy tanks, but when the dam breaks race to higher ground to avoid getting swept away ...
Defend the beach from the Federation invasion, then get to the command center and find your father.
Use the remote sniper feature to take down enemy patrols, mark a convoy with explosives and follow the sent of Riley to locate lost comrades.
No Man's Land exists between LA and San Diego; gather intel on the Federation activity in the area and come face to face with a Ghost Squad.
Learn how to take control of your dog, Riley as you attack the federation to meet back up with your father.
Logan Walker's life changes forever as his hometown is struck by an unknown force. Take control of Logan as he helps out his family, then play as some astronauts as ...
HOLY CALL OF DUTY NEWS. The latest instalment has earned Activision ONE BILLION DOLLARS, was a part of a $75,000 games store robbery and may have re-used animation assets from ...
We examine Xbox 360 vs PlayStation 3 vs PlayStation 4 vs PC in this showdown of graphical carnage from Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Missed out on the launch event in person? Well check out what it was like in Los Angeles, where Activision came out to surprise local fans at Gamestop.
Taking some field orders in this Next-Gen footage of Call of Duty: Ghosts
Break into enemy headquarters and look for files in this gameplay clip from Call of Duty: Ghosts.
From an exuberant campaign full of spectacle and variety to the way Extinction's unpredictable aliens force you to use those targeting skills in entirely new ways, Ghosts strikes an great ...
The new Extinction mode in Call of Duty: Ghosts on the Xbox 360. Killing aliens, upgrading weapons and using turrets to stay alive.
The official Call of Duty®: Ghosts live action trailer, directed by James Mangold and featuring Megan Fox, follows four buddies on the trip of a lifetime through Las Vegas and ...
Valve state that they won’t make exclusive games for Steam OS while also releasing images for their Steam Machine prototypes, and Infinity Ward attempts to ease concerns over CoD: Ghosts ...
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