What Gamespot Users have to say about Dark Sector
- Rating:1
One of the most frustrating games I have played
I bought it for eight dollars and I think I still overpaid by at least eight dollars. If you can't make the cover system work then don't make it neccasary to finish the game. I can't count how many times I was facing c... Read Full Review
3 of 11 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.5
Bog standard shooter is given a different dynamic to set it apart from other standard shooters.
Despite being in the shadow of the many other action games from the same era, it is actually a pretty a solid shooter with the added extra of using the glaive to dispatch enemies. The glaive has a few different uses alth... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful - Rating:7
Dark Sector is a good action game, but how well does it compare to other action games these days?
Dark Sector was one of the first games to be announced on the Xbox 360 and PS3. But the game never showed up at launch of ant other time around then. In March of 2008 Dark Sector came out. But does the game live up to is... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8
A steal at bargain bin prices...
This is my first review! I had a blast with Dark Sector. Played the demo, thought it was decent and ended up picking it up used and cheap a few months ago. Seeing as it's so cheap at this point, I would recommend it to a... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8
Som parts good, some (few) weak. It has a bit (or lot) of Resident Evil taste - the inspiration is obvious.
It has a bit (or lot) of Resident Evil taste - the inspiration is obvious (but that is not bad). What most trailers showed was the glaive action and YES just the glaive is one of the strongest points of this game. In the... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:7
For $9 its worth it, good game to pick up and kill sometime.
Dark Sector is a game that wasn't very big but is good and worth picking up but be advised this is no Metal Gear Solid or Killzone its an average 3rd person shooter. In this game you get to play a secret operative, Hayde... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8
A decent shooter that's worth checking out.
The tale of Dark Sector is similar to other good games that have come out in the past and for one reason or another just didn't get the attention of the bigger titles and so ended up being missed by many. The only good t... Read Full Review
10 of 12 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8
Dark Sector is a game that starts off slow and goes on to become a very satisfying and destructive third-person shooter.
This game is interesting in many ways. First: it introduces a weapon called the glaive. Which is a three pronged boomerang weapon. When thrown it can destroy and disembowel soldier and zombie alike. Doing this is satisfy... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8
While late to the party, this game shows some pretty good zazz.
Where to begin.. Dark Sector was first announced in 2004 (hell, I still have the copy of EGM that had the first sightings of the game). It was announced to be the "first" "Nest-Gen" game. Delays ensued, and the game sho... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8
Dark Sector starts poorly but gradually improves and becomes rather enjoyable thanks to the glaive.
Dark Sector is a third person action game set in the near future in which a Technocyte infection mutates creatures and turns them insane. You play as Hayden, a character who is a secret agent with a resistance to pain; m... Read Full Review
6 of 6 users found the following review helpful
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