Heavy Metal is simply an uninteresting licensed 3D arena shooter that feels extremely rushed and won't impress anyone.
Even though the Dreamcast may possess considerably more processing power under the hood than the Nintendo 64 or PlayStation, nothing seems to be able to hide the fact that South ...
Unless you're extremely into the spy game genre, you should avoid this game at all costs.
It's not as if the Godzilla license has ever really turned out a good game, but that doesn't excuse Godzilla Generations from being as terrible as it is.
It fails at each of the three elements that can make this type of game enjoyable: exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving.
MTV Sports: Skateboarding is ultimately disappointing due to its average graphics, poor collision detection, and loose controls.
Madden 2000 for the N64 is simply a better game.
You can pick up Puyo Puyo Da! and be completely fed up with it within an hour.
One could go on for hours ripping this game apart, harping on its intolerable load times, useless physics engine, or haphazard AI, but it all boils down to one inescapable ...
Stay far, far away from this game.
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