What Gamespot Users have to say about FIFA Soccer 11
- Rating:8
With the next generation engine, the game finally get into Soccer game competition; but its not enough yet.
I had played soccer game for many years, until FIFA07, I decided to left FIFA series as it was NO improvements, just a NEW old game.This year, I've heard that EA Sport used a NEW engine, and I was glad to try once again.... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
FIFA 11 has a new feel and it is largely an improvement. No ping pong passing. No ridiculous tackling. A realistic sim.
If you played FIFA World Cup 2010 you already have been exposed to the new feel of gameplay in FIFA 11 minus a few small but important changes. The passing has become more difficult. You cannot simply zip the ball upfiel... Read Full Review
8 of 13 users found the following review helpful - Rating:7.5
Minor improvements over FIFA 10 won't make FIFA 11 a worthy buy. A disappointing release by EA Sports.
Let me start by saying I am not a person new to FIFA games, nor a ping-pong passer, or a pressure abuser, or someone who hunts for glory by playing a ridiculous 6-0-4 Custom Formation to get a win. I used to like both on... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful - Rating:6.5
Improved visuals, but bad game-play and far too many glitches!
Ill leave this review short as most of you already know the great things this game has to offer, most of which were available in Fifa 10. the passing system is a mess, players are left standing and waiting for slow p... Read Full Review
17 of 28 users found the following review helpful - Rating:4.5
An honest view. A step in the wrong direction...
IGNORE THE "USERS FOUND THIS HELPFUL" AS THIS REVIEW IS JUST GOING TO BE BASHED BY RIDICULOUS FANBOYS. Please read my review for an HONEST view on this game, and not just "dis gaem iz da b3st!1!!1!!" reviews that flood ... Read Full Review
16 of 34 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8
Good game but a little frustrating at how EA can put out a game with so many bugs
Best football game out there but its not without its flaws either. Game-play has improved in every way, some may not agree as the game doesn't run as smooth with the ping pong passing being taken away which means more mi... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.5
A great game with some very frustrating issues...
I will deal only with the gameplay, as I believe it is the most important part of a game. FIFA 11 is very very realistic, from your box to the other teams box. The problem is what happens in the boxes... Your defender... Read Full Review
13 of 16 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
Best FIFA ever since 98'!
For nearly 15 years I've played FIFA (from 96' - 09'....10 is just boring), this has got to be the best so far! Previous releases have not shown any improvement in gameplay and its the same engine for years and years. ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
If you want a football game that is as close to the real thing as you want it to be, this is the game for you.
Now im not good with this review stuff, so bare with me. I preordered Fifa 11 3 months ago, not knowing how good or bad it would be, about 2 months ago I started having doubts, people were saying its the same as Fifa 10 ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:6
this is not PES.....this is fifa....continueing the boring style of game play
i'm the big fan of soccer,also the big fan of PES. every year i bought both, and play fifa sooner than PES,since PES is release i'm done with fifa. this year everyone say fifa is better,gameplay is changed,it's have x... Read Full Review
7 of 32 users found the following review helpful
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