What Gamespot Users have to say about Halo: Triple Pack
- Rating:10
Halo Triple Pack is flat out amazing Halo, Halo2 and Halo 2 map pack all in one...thats all i need to say.
Halo Triple Pack is a Halo fans dream! In this amazing pack you get everything you could ever need for a Halo. You get the first Halo and you get Halo 2 and you also get the Map Pack for Halo 2 for just $50. What more co... Read Full Review
5 of 8 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.8
this is a dream come true. i just can't believe it
seriously. halo combat evolved, halo 2, and halo multiplayer pack all in one! a dream come true. i love halo combat evolved if you saw my review of that, i super loved halo 2 if you saw my review of that and the multilay... Read Full Review
3 of 5 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.8
Microsoft knows which side its bread is buttered on and the constant condiment is Halo. This is just in time for xbox360
The Halo Triple Pack represents everything that is great about the X-Box system. The release of the Halo Triple pack mere weeks before the xbox360 should not be seen as a coincidence. A raw juxtaposition of list prices—f... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful - Rating:10
Three in one for $59.99, count me in
Separte costs Halo: $20 Halo 2: $35-40 Halo 2 espansion: $15-20 More expensive seperate, but its a bargin for all three, i mean if you dont own any of them get this you wont regret it. They are great games and could... Read Full Review
2 of 7 users found the following review helpful
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