What Gamespot Users have to say about League of Legends
- Rating:10
The Best DoTA Experience!!! i played this game more than 1000 hours i bet and never bored now come and read my rewiew!!!
DoTA VS. LoL First.DoTA is hard to learn and hard to master. But LoL is easy to learn hard to master. Like buying items are much easier in LoL. There Are Item trees. You dont have ... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
Awesome DOTA experience
This game is probably the best version of "DOTA" ever created. Probably because it was created by the same developers who made the original "DOTA All-Stars" for Warcraft III. Other games have tried to copy DOTA and have ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
Fun, Free and Addictive
In its current shape League of Legends (LoL) brings a lot of entertainment value to the table. The Dota core team has indeed created an easy to learn game, with an astonishing tactical depth to it. Players (Summoners)... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful - Rating:7.5
Great game which is easy to learn and free for those with a modicum of patience.
League of Legends is a Defense of the Ancients (DotA) descendant which harnesses everything that was fun about DotA in a sleek, elegant, and user-friendly package. The out-of-game interface is merely a window on your de... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:5
"Awesome A new DotA...what... I can pick 5 heroes only??"
Ok... DotA was just started. The old veterans upgraded their PCs. DotA went in history as the most played team game. But the age took on its hold, and DotA became suffocated by the rules of WCIII. People that played it,a... Read Full Review
5 of 45 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.5
I played it since closed beta. It is still good, aswell the community. If everything goes right it'll get even better.
I got my beta key from Gamespot, and I'm glad I did it. League of Legends is really a good game. The community is alright. If you need help you can everytime check the forums for guides, answers, or maybe just to waste... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
A great combination of strategic depth and devilishly addicting, competitive team-based gameplay
I won't lie. Seeing the phrase "free to play" associated with a game will prompt me to run for the hills more often than not. This is a little odd, as usually the word free draws me in like an ice cream truck to a Weight... Read Full Review
7 of 10 users found the following review helpful - Rating:5
Did I play this before?
Unlike Dota,which is played in worldwide in lan-parties,local events,conventions,competitions with sponsors,any kind of competition which involves gaming you can possibly imagine,this game makes you feel like you have al... Read Full Review
1 of 15 users found the following review helpful - Rating:7.5
Did u play DOTA? No? then walk. Ya? in LoL u'll find son-of-dota. cut-throat competition & thrillin tactical battles
Consider the following: Stylish, comical, fearsome and yes, some, cute champions. the game is free... dag! whats more intense than those well matched dota matches? oh, what you ask? a well matched LoL match! that's wh... Read Full Review
0 of 2 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
Very addictive, if you've played HoN, this review may help you understand why LoL is superior.
At the time of reviewing this, my experience with LoL has been great. Some background, I tried DOTA in the early days when it was still an unknown mod, it didn't take my fancy so I moved on. In the last year I tried ... Read Full Review
4 of 8 users found the following review helpful
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