League of Legends Lunchbox: 12/11/2012
Join Jody and Synthia in their ongoing struggle to improve their game of League of Legends.
Join Jody and Synthia in their ongoing struggle to improve their game of League of Legends.
Professional League of Legends player Christian "IWillDominate" Rivera permanently banned for "toxic behaviour"; suspended from playing in the Championship Series for a year
Jody and Synthia get educated in League of Legends by our users! Care to help?
Joshua "Jatt" Leesman and Ryan "Morello" Scott host the League of Legends patch overview for seaon 3.
Travis catches up with Ambition to learn more about what happened to Azubu Blaze at the IPL 5 and their plans for the rest of the year and 2013.
Travis chats with the IPL 5 cosplay contest winner to find out more about her Vayne costume and more.
Travis catches up with Christina Vee at the IPL 5 on day 4.
Travis talks to Nick about the event as a whole and gets trolled in the process.
Travis Gafford catches up with Misaya after Team WE's big win at IPL 5.
General manager of IPL, David Ting talks to Slasher about what makes IPL strong and plans for continued success.
Chauster shares his thoughts with Travis on IPL 5, CLG NA's performance, and thoughts on Link115 being a sub.
Travis catches up with Scarra on day 4 at the IPL 5 to get his thoughts on the tournament as a whole.
Travis chats with HotshotGG about CLG NA's performance, what's coming in 2013, and more.
Travis catches up with Erik Braa the voice actor for Draven and Jax, as well as Adam Harrington the voice actor for Shaco, Ryze and more.
Xpecial shares his thoughts on how hard IPL 5 was and tries to help clear up some drama.
Travis Gafford chats with Voyboy about living at the Curse house, opening his own Chucky Cheese, Rhux as a new support, Elementz as a sub and more.
Travis Gafford catches up with Pamela Horton to learn more about her passion for LoL, esports, and her favorite characters.
Travis Gafford chats with Lilballz about TPA's run at IPL5.
Travis Gafford sits with Marn to talk about his predictions for the winner of LoL, bets, the resurgence of Team MRN and more.
Krepo chats about having to face Team We, his thoughts on changes for support come season 3, Team Fnatics success, and plans for the future.
Travis Gafford chats with Rekkles about their victory over TPA, his plans for season 3, and what he thinks about Doublelift's statements.
Helios shares his thoughts about TSM, playing M5, the addition of Flame, and ideally not having to play his good friend Locodoco.
Locodoco and Doublelift talk about their potential marriage agreement, solo queues, the NA teams, Vegas and IPL 5 on day 2.
Travis Gafford catches up with Rhux the newest member of Curse NA.
Travis Gafford chats with Pobelter about Team Meat Playground's second lan experience and also almost being late to their first match.
GameSpot's Jonathan talks to StarCraft II and League of Legends eSports luminaries like Artosis, Joe Miller, and others about the current state and future of the genre in the Asia ...
Major League Gaming, DreamHack, and Electronic Sports League announce partnership for remainder of 2012 and upcoming 2013 season.
Check out a League of Legends champion spotlight video featuring Zed, the Master of Shadows.
Mrs Violence, TSquared, Travis Gafford and Slasher get you up to date on what happened at MLG Dallas on Championship Sunday.
Travis Gafford chats with Ambition and Helios from Azubu Blaze after their huge comeback over Najin Sword.
Travis Gafford catches up with Scarra to learn more about the struggles of the NA Scene and the difficulties of practicing.
Mrs Violence, TSquared, Slasher, and Travis Gafford get you up to date with Day 2 at MLG Dallas.
Travis catches up with Snoopeh after their win over CLGNA.
Travis Gafford catches up with two members from CLGEU to discuss their tournament run and Jree's future with the team.
Travis Gafford chats with MakNooN about the match against TSM and his thoughts on TSM.
Travis Gafford catches up with Doublelift on day 2 at the MLG Dallas Fall Championships.
Travis Gafford catches up with Shy after their match with Dignitas.
Slasher, TSquared, Mrs. Violence, and Travis Gafford give you the run down on what happened on Day 1 at MLG Dallas.
Travis Gafford catches up with Xpecial after their win over Curse and discusses the short comings of the NA Scene.
Travis Gafford catches up with MakNooN after Najin Sword stomps on CLG NA.
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