What Gamespot Users have to say about Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
- Rating:2
A worthy game for the PSP, but not for the Metal Gear series.
Frankly, the story sucks. The boss battles are boring and some are ridiculously difficult (and LONG). Most missions are repetitive especially the search missions...god, how many do they think people can stand? Control... Read Full Review
5 of 44 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
It boasts plenty of features and a decent challenge to keep you hooked for a long time.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker makes yet another addition to the PSP's Metal Gear lineup, and yet again it does not disappoint. It boasts plenty of features and a decent challenge to keep you hooked for a long time. P... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.5
This is Metal Gear Solid 5.
When seeing the trailer over a year ago, and since then learning that Mr. Kojima said this was his next, true, Metal Gear- I have went with what I always have according to Kojima- he is right. If you've played the ser... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:10
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker is Truly a fantastic masterpiece, making it possibly the best game on the psp to this date
Metal Gear Solid is a fantastic game that not only people who played the original series but also anyone who loves great combat games. I love this game, everything about it is well done, including controls. The game ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:10
The best game on psp..
I like the way the game in this game. No games like MGS peace walker. Challenging, requiring patience and fun. I think this game is the best game in most of the game psp. Many opponents with a boss fight. But at the begi... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.5
Snake's back in Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker and delivers a very powerful game that could have been minorly improved.
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker. All I had to hear was the name of the game before I ran to the store and bought it. The game could not be improved anywhere in the single player area but the only thing that bothers me is h... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.5
The most ambitious MGS game to date; and one that pays off!
MGS: Peace Walkers is a brilliant game. It's brilliant for several reasons: the first being the brilliant graphics; the varied gameplay an the flash graphic novel cutscenes, but what is most important is the amazing stor... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
the game is my favorite psp game so far and should be played by everyone
MGS: Peace walker is the best portable MGS made and is a great contender for portable game of the year. first thing is the game looks great from the in game graphics to the great comic like cut scenes. second thing is th... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:10
This is the most epic game i played on PSP and yet its Metal Gear Solid!
Wow..there is so much about this game unlockables,awesome weapons,boss battles and secrets(Kojima can be requited so cool).I think this is the last epic life story of Big Boss and can't let go of his past memories by kil... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.5
Big Boss' portable adventure is by no means a short one and definitely the best journey in his epic life.
One would have thought that a franchise could not get any better, anyone would think that Hideo Kojima could not make us love his work anymore than we already do. Enter Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker to quiet any doubter... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
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