I've played a lot of racing games since then, but nothing has given me that fresh, overwhelming feeling since then - that is, until I played NASCAR 98 on the ...
Psygnosis has done a beautiful job of bringing Pratchett's entertaining world to the realm of electronic gaming.
If nothing else, Fox Hunt proves why companies like Digital Pictures went bankrupt.
NHL All-Star Hockey 98 is a pretty good hockey game.
The Legend of Heroes II features an AI that will pick its battles, where weaker enemies may run off if you are too powerful. Also new to the series is ...
What Angel Devoid lacks in acting and scriptwriting it makes up for with dark good looks and sheer, bad attitude.
The player spends a lot of time shuttling Casper through places he's already been, looking for the one doorway or vent he missed.
Stylish, cinematic and creepily atmospheric, D would be a good example to show your friends of what 3-D graphics animators can do on the computer these days.
Prospective buyers will definitely want to rent this one first to see if they can stomach its inadequacies.
Those who loved the arcade game version of Samurai Shodown III will be happy with this conversion.
Proves that the PC is indeed a viable platform for fighting games.
Check your brain at the door and saddle up for a solid, mindless shooting fest that dispenses with any pretense of strategy.
The gaming community at large may find the prospects of two children beating the hell out of each other a little disturbing.
Though Suikoden may not be groundbreaking, it's definitely good.
If you're into action games, or even if you're not, you should be playing Quake right now - it's as good as PC gaming gets.
The Legend of Oasis is not different enough from the original Genesis title to justify its upgrade to the Saturn.
For a first effort, EA's Madden NFL 97 is a fine offering.
The gameplay in PGA Tour 97, though a tad on the dull side at times, is still calming in the way you'd expect a golf game to be.
If Fellini had made a fighting game, it would have been Groove On Fight.
Manx TT fails to deliver what only an exceptional few racing games possess: long-lasting play experience.
Combining imaginative gameplay mechanics with cool graphics and killer music, Mr. Bones will not disappoint.
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