What Gamespot Users have to say about Shining Soul II
- Rating:8.8
Easily one of the greatest hack-'n-slash games of all time.
Shining Soul II is a simple game. It let's you choose from one of eight classes which I will not name. Now, this is a great improvement on their part, because the first Shining Soul only had four character classes. It... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.8
Wow PSO on the gba!
It really iS Phantasy Star Online on the GBA except with diffrent characters and story line, tons of wepons and quests, awsome hack and slash and tons of diffrent characters to choose from...its really just the kinda gam... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:7.7
I don't know why it's so fun, but it is.
Shining Soul II shouldn't be this fun. Simplistic battle controls (attack or charged attack! whee!) Much slow, unskipable text. Mediocre graphics, music and writing. Compared to the GBA Return of the King it doesn't seem... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.5
Highly Addictive
This game is so easy to pick up and play, its very fast paced, you can play as little or as much as u want, its just awesome. You'll want to play every character. Multiplayer is excellent as well. Only thing lacking i th... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:7.1
Reminded me of a crappy Diablo 2!
With many more jobs than the first 2 choose from this one sure doesnt leave u with a job u wont want myself I like ninja, but alone this game is pretty boring and definetly designed 4 multiplayer use but can still be enj... Read Full Review
0 of 5 users found the following review helpful - Rating:6.8
The game is definitely enjoyable with a few friends, but alone, this dungeon crawler can be your worst nightmare.
Sega’s Shining series has been around since the early 90’s, and they started all the way back on their Genesis system. Shining Force, at the time, was Sega’s best RPG available – lets face it, it was probably their only... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
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