What Gamespot Users have to say about SSX Blur
- Rating:8.5
fantastic presentation, shame about the controls.
SSX has been one of my favourite videogame series', ever, so when a Wii game was announced I simply had to get it. The game looks fantastic, some of the best graphics and sound on the Wii so far, the game is quite lon... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.5
sooooo underrated.
First off i just want to say that i am pretty new to ssx games, other then playing then a bit at firends houses, i have never owned one. I have read alot of reviews that complain about the controls of this game, and i j... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpful - Rating:3.3
worst SSX game ever!!!!!!
SSX has created the worst game in their entire series. SSX Blur is a snow-boarding and skiing game with awful controls that make you wish it was never made for the wii. The controls make it hard to do ordinary events s... Read Full Review
3 of 6 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.6
Overall, a very good game. The new features really grasp the new wii technology, but the game still needs more depth.
There are a few things I really like about this game. First of all, the graphics are really good for an early wii game, and really take advantage of the Wii's capabilities. Secondly, features such as the Ubertricks are... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.9
This game is awesome. I can't believe i almost didn't buy it because the reviews made me believe it was too hard...
Firstly, the ubertricks are not impossible to do. Everyone is saying they play, play, play and get frustrated because the ubertricks are so hard. That's rubbish. I went through the tutorials, tried out the uber tricks on... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:2.3
Thank god i only rented this game.
Well what is there to say you think this would be just as good as it's last gen predecessor's this time with motion sensitive control How can you go wrong. Here's how. Bad control scheme that is unresponsive, use's the n... Read Full Review
0 of 5 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.7
Frustrating but fun. If you can master uber tricks on here, you have mastered the Wiimote.
Blur's gameplay on the Wii is very different that the gameplay on the PS2 for the SSX family of games. The cartoonish characters on the Wii as opposed to more real-life characters on the PS2 definitely gear this game to... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9
As far as I'm concerned, there is one respectable EA franchise: SSX. This latest entry proves that to me even more.
SSX is really about one thing: fun. SSX Blur doesn't change that. Although it's not the classic that SSX3 or Tricky were, it's still a great game, and well-worth owning. As far as gameplay goes, Blur is just as fun as... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:7.8
Not a classic but still worthwhile.
With many Wii games getting tacked on controls, it's almost refreshing to see EA has really put it's time into thinking of cool ways to control your ability to snowboard. This is this games main strengths and it passes w... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful - Rating:4.9
Remember SSX tircky? It came out in '02, and it's better then this game, sorry to disipoint. I hoped it would be better.
This game is pretty poor. WHen you first start it up it's all flashy with bright colours and it hurts your eyes. THen you get a really impressive intor movie, then it goes downhill from there. The gameplay is hard and ba... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
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