STALKER 2 Could Offer Frame Rates Of Up To 120FPS On Xbox Series X
The upcoming sequel might be bringing amazing fluidity to Xbox Series X in 2021.
The upcoming sequel might be bringing amazing fluidity to Xbox Series X in 2021.
The classic horror franchise will make its console debut next year.
Developer GSC Game World has shown off the first screenshot from the upcoming Stalker sequel for PC, but it's not a gameplay shot.
Developer GSC Game World confirmed it's using Unreal for the upcoming STALKER sequel, and addressed Epic Games speculation bluntly.
A sequel to the cult classic post-apocalyptic first-person shooter was previously announced, but just got an update of sorts.
The story of how the Areal Kickstarter eventually came to be suspended is long and complex.
Ukranian studio GSC Game World shut down and shooter sequel scrapped; developers form Vostok Games and begin work on Survarium.
Game's Facebook page says the team is back at work on postapocalyptic sequel, but GSC Game World still on the hunt for funding.
Sequel's fate in doubt as GSC Gameworld responds to reports of shuttering, saying, "We will do our best to continue."
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