What Gamespot Users have to say about Twisted Metal III
- Rating:8.5
Good, but not enough gameplay.
This game has problems, but it's got positives too. It's fun especially if you play with someone else. Your goal is to destroy each of your opponents. Pretty straight-forward right? In some levels it will be more difficu... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful - Rating:8.5
This is the one of the only two TM games I've played, but i loved this game.
This is one of my most played game when i was a child and there was a good reason. It was very fun shooting people in cars, from cars. I love launching missles to other players. Levels were really big to ride around sha... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpful - Rating:2.8
This Game is aweful. If youve never played TM1 or 2 you might like it, similar to playing rugrats racing.
989 totally destroyed this game and nearly the series. TM 1 & 2 were great, and the release of this game was highly anticipated. The production switch was apparent from the get go, the mechanics took on a cartoonish... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.8
this game is great i dont know why people rated it so low
this is a great game period, i dont know why people would give it such low ratings but any way. about the game if you like blowing stuff up and fighting then this game is right for you. the game feature a couple of chara... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.6
Most say it's the worst in the series. I'm a rebel. I think it's outstanding.
I've been playing Twisted Metal III for a while now. The game is old especially with new gaming systems and sequels. But I can still play Twisted Metal III and have just as much fun as I use to. Twisted Metal III was ... Read Full Review
4 of 7 users found the following review helpful - Rating:7.2
Worse than Twisted Metal 2, Bad Graphics, But it slowly grows on you after 50 hours of playing.
This game is basicaly Twisted Metal 2 and a little more fetures. New maps new speicals are a nice touch. But the graphics are the main flaw of this. Boxy characters, Boxes as buildings, 1 Flat background in the back, fir... Read Full Review
0 of 3 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.7
Twisted Metal 3 is the Best
This is my favorite in the entire series. I can't see why people don't like this game. It has the best graphics out of 1 and 2. Gamespot doesn't have taste in good games if they hate this game because the other 2 where h... Read Full Review
4 of 6 users found the following review helpful - Rating:1.3
Why did Singletrac ever sold the rights?
SIngletrac (their name back then) has a hit in their hands, Twisted Metal 2, but for some completely, insane reason hand over their series to 989 Studios. 989 Studios??!! WHAT THE **#!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never even heard of th... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful - Rating:2.6
Scrap Metal
Twisted Metal 2 was, and still is one of the greatest car combat games ever. It was a gigantic step ahead of the first Twisted Metal. If the rate continues we can only imagine how good the next installment in the series ... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpful - Rating:9.2
This game shouldn't disappoint anyone at all!
Gameplay. Amazing! I dont find anything wrong here. Its much better than the last two games and gameplay has improved alot with places as well. Graphics. Very very few mistakes can be found. but who cares about the go... Read Full Review
4 of 7 users found the following review helpful
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