Well, I'll be a mother-f*****! And you'll be a mother-f******. Hell, we're all mother-f******s as far as San Andreas is concerned. Good mother-f****** things: 1.The sheer f******scale and size of the game is awe-inspiriing 2.No f****** irritating loading times between 'areas'. 3.The God-damn ability to swim 4.The crazy mother-f****** flying of planes, jet packs and the s***-hot addition of parachute jumping. 5.Those mad b******s on the talk radio. 6.Samuel L Mother-F****** Jackson Bad mother-f****** things: 1.As to be expected from Rockstar the characterisations are s***. 2.The vehicles handle like s***. I mean, my driving 'bar' is half full, and yet I STILL drive like Helen Keller in a mother-f****** snowstorm. In fairness, my f****** knowledge of made-up car types isn't good, so perhaps I'm not always jacking the right f****** vehicles for the task. 3.The f****** music on the radio stations isn't as Era-defining as Vice F****** City. 4.Some missions are just too f******* hard. San Andreas is f****** massive, and some media type b******* claim you never need buy another mother-f****** game in your life. While it is certainly f****** huge, there is still so much missing, a certain gloss, sheen and f****** sophistication that will HAVE to be sought out elsewhere. Does all this f******* swearing seem gratuitous? I do hope so.....
Other Helpful Reviews for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
I consider this game to be a masterpiece - everything involved; the gameplay, the weapons, the vehicles, everything. From the motorcycles to the Rustler airplane; from the jetpacks to the reference to Grand Theft Auto 3 ... Read Full Review
I've never played all the way through GTA3 or Vice City. I found that, in both games, the characters and missions did not hold nearly enough substance for me to care what happened next. Before San Andreas, GTA was only... Read Full Review