Yo, brothers and mother-f******. It's another gi-normous violent and cuss filled slice of retro-life from Rockstar.

User Rating: 7.8 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
Well, I'll be a mother-f*****! And you'll be a mother-f******. Hell, we're all mother-f******s as far as San Andreas is concerned. Good mother-f****** things: 1.The sheer f******scale and size of the game is awe-inspiriing 2.No f****** irritating loading times between 'areas'. 3.The God-damn ability to swim 4.The crazy mother-f****** flying of planes, jet packs and the s***-hot addition of parachute jumping. 5.Those mad b******s on the talk radio. 6.Samuel L Mother-F****** Jackson Bad mother-f****** things: 1.As to be expected from Rockstar the characterisations are s***. 2.The vehicles handle like s***. I mean, my driving 'bar' is half full, and yet I STILL drive like Helen Keller in a mother-f****** snowstorm. In fairness, my f****** knowledge of made-up car types isn't good, so perhaps I'm not always jacking the right f****** vehicles for the task. 3.The f****** music on the radio stations isn't as Era-defining as Vice F****** City. 4.Some missions are just too f******* hard. San Andreas is f****** massive, and some media type b******* claim you never need buy another mother-f****** game in your life. While it is certainly f****** huge, there is still so much missing, a certain gloss, sheen and f****** sophistication that will HAVE to be sought out elsewhere. Does all this f******* swearing seem gratuitous? I do hope so.....