User Rating: 10 | Halo: Triple Pack XBOX
Puttin all three together was a wonderful idea but if u want a better story play the first the second is for multiplayer but just rember Halo will pawn everything Halo triple pack will probably sell becuase to get all three games u would need a lot more to get it but people will know tht they will get it becuase its Halo come on u cant deny halo becuase it is so awesome i would play this game in my sleep and i wish i had Xbox live but my mom wont get it but if i had it i would pawn on Xbox live but doesnt mean i dont play system link with my friends which is awesome we made our own partys to all night people yeah all night you cant beat tht come on everybody all night halo well means your addictedHow Halo 2's matchmaking works may seems like quite a mystery at first, but it's actually pretty easy to understand. Let's dive right in and I'll explain.
You're probably familiar with the traditional matchmaking model. You either host a game or you join someone else's. If you're hosting, you rule the day, controlling every aspect of the game, who's allowed in it, the map, etc. If you're joining you specify criteria for the type of game you'd like to play, things like map, number of players, game rules, etc. The game then returns a list of games most similar to these criteria, sorted by how similar they are, or sometimes by connection speed. You choose one of these games to join, hope that it hasn't filled up by the time you do, and if you're lucky grab a spot in a game with a good connection, and if you're even luckier with settings somewhat matching what you're looking for. If not you back up, choose another game, and try again. This model works. Sort of