Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master continues the Shinobi series on the Genesis, introducing new moves, weapons, and enemies.
Embark on an adventure through a mysterious island where clues abound and you must try to reverse a wrong that has gone unchecked for ages.
The Genesis version of Gunstar Heroes makes an appearance on the Xbox 360.
Ecco the Dolphin splashes onto Xbox LIVE Arcade.
Simon embarks on a quest to rescue the head wizard.
Trilobyte's The 7th Guest is set in a haunted mansion. You must investigate the disappearance of the house guests.
Streets of Rage 2 brings its old school beat-'em-up antics to Xbox LIVE Arcade.
This game is a port of the 1992 Arcade X-Men game.
Sonic must save Tails and the animals from Dr. Robotnik, by finding six Chaos Emeralds, and giving them to six robots.
The Dragon Warrior series contines with Dragon Warrior IV, a Role-Playing Game featuring 174 monsters to defeat and a new world to explore.
The classic first-person shooter makes an appearance on Xbox LIVE Arcade.
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