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And it is UP!!!!!!!!

My latest masterpiece, Danny Phantom III: Releasing Surtur's Fire, is officially up and running! All of my readers who haven't had a chance to read it yet, it's right there on fanfiction.net, so take your time.

My fanfiction readers, take note!!!

I have finally finished with the prologue for the third installment of my "Danny Phantom: The Movie" series: Danny Phantom III: Releasing Surtur's Fire. All I have left to do is watch a few episodes of DP so I have the characters down right, and I shall post it on FF.net.

I'm gonna be on the radio!

About a week ago, when I was driving to school, I heard on the radio that they were looking to hear from Bigfoot hunters, so I called them and told them that I was a student of cryptozoology, and I'm expecting a call tomorrow around 7 in the morning to discuss the specific time at which I shall give a lecture on such creatures as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and others.

Well, Today's the Day!

Regina and I are renewing our vows in exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes, then we head to our second honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for the next 2 weeks. I might check in once or twice, but for the most part, I'll be busy with . . . other things. To all my friends who can't be there, I trust that you will be in spirit. Well, gotta go!

*sighs* This weather . . .

I've been loving this winter for all that it's worth. The most snow we've had up here since the winter of 1916. But for Pete's Sake, it's spring! I need the weather to clear up and start getting warm as soon as possible so I can plant my corn. If I don't get it planted on time, it won't be mature enough to make decent moonshine by my set deadline! Yes, you read right. I, a teenage boy from the backwoods of northern Idaho, make and sell my own moonshine. I have a still and everything. But if my corn isn't ready to be made in mash by a certain time, my usual customers will be . . . very unsatisfied.

My Prediction for the ATLA movie

It's gonna SUCK. Why do I think that? Because for them to condense all of Book one down into a 2.5 - 3 hour movie will require massive cuts, and doing that is EXACTLY why David Lynch is looked upon as a schmuck by serious "Dune" fans.

Don't get me wrong, M. Night Shyamalan is a great director, but I doubt that even he can make this movie work. I hope that I am wrong, because doing this movie wrong will likely do to Shyamalan what "Dune" did to Lynch (and if I saw him on the street, I wouldn't even SPIT in his direction).

I've been Tagged.

So, in accordance with the rules, I have to write out five random facts about myself (all of which are true):

1.) I can dislocate my shoulder and pop it back into place without hurting myself.

2.) I have occasional bouts of mild tinnitus.

3.) "The George Lopez Show" is my favorite TV program.

4.) I recently decided to grow a mullet, and it's driving my sister crazy.

5.) I'm a licensed United States Ambassador under Eisenhower's People to People program.

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, today was my 17th, and let me tell you, it was a good one. I got a deep tissue massage (because of my back problems), we went to dinner at my favorite place, an awesome cake, and some great presents!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I found this great survey:

1.) Name: Johann Angelone

2.) Country you were born in: United States (Juno, Alaska).

3.) Birthday: January 24.

4.) Part of lyric that was last in your mind: If I go crazy than will you still call me Superman? If I'm alive and well will you be there, holdin' my hand? I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might. Kryptonite.

5.) Where am I right now: My sanctum sanctorum.

6.) Highlight of this week: My birthday!

8.) what am I scared of: Heights.

9.) Last movie I watched: The Mummy Returns.

10.) last thing I downloaded in my computer: Blow me Away, by Breaking Benjamin.

11.) How many houses I've lived in? About 4 or 5.

12.) last friend I talked to online: Don't recall.

13.) Has anyone said you looked like a celebrity? Some people think that I look a little like a blond Pierce Brosnan.

14.) Do you speak any other language: English is my first language, and I've studied Japanese, Latin, and Klingon.

15.) Job? Student.

16.) Plan to go to college: Yep. I'm shooting for Harvard.

17.) for or against same sex marriage: I'm against it.

18.) Should gays be allowed to adopt? If they're qualified to raise a child, than yes.

19.) What's your view on the war in Iraq? Unnecessary now that Saddam Hussein is dead.

20.) If I could live in another place, where would it be and why? Somewhere near the top of the world.

21.) What animals best represents me? An owl.

22.) If I could meet anyone, who would it be? Albert Einstein.

23.) If I could go back in time, where would I go? Prohibition Era-Chicago, to see Al Capone taken down.

24.) One superpower I would have and why? I have to pick just one?

25.) My life's theme song: I don't have one.

26.) If I could be president for a day: I'd declare the Spears family enemies of the state.

27.) My most heartbreaking memory: Is my business, not yours.

28.) Greatest accomplishment: My kids.

Are You...

29.) hugger or handshaker? Neither. I prefer to bow.

30.) morning or nighttime person: Night. I HATE getting up early.

31.) perfectionist? Damn straight.

32.) religious belief: free-think monolatric Christian.

33.) lefty or righty: Ambidextrous.

34.) Number: 53.

35.) Color: Blue.

36.) Season: Winter.

37.) Holiday: Christmas.

38.) TV Program: The George Lopez Show.

39.) Movie: Never Say Never Again.

40.) Band: Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

41.) Songs: Several.

42.) Actor: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

43.) Restaurants: Hudson's Hamburgers.

44.) Food: Pizza.

45.) pizza topping: Pepperoni.

46.) ice cream flavor: Vanilla.

47.) Board games: Monopoly.

48.) helped a stranger in need: Once or twice.

49.) lied to your dearest friend? One time.

50.) cheated on a test? Not that.

51.) Turned to someone when they did something wrong? Huh?

52.) Stolen something before? No.

53.) drank alcohol? I'm a devout teetotaler.

54.) smoke? Never.

55.) ran away from home? Where would I run?

56.) been picked up by the police? They can't get me for moonshine runningbecause they can't find my still.

57.) what annoys you most in a person? When they're stupid.

58.) bedtime? 10:30 p.m. on the dot.

59.) three things I can't live without: The people I love. period.

60.) would you take a bullet for someone you love? Yes.

61.) how do I want to die: A quiet, dignified death.

62.) God: There a several, but the Christian God is the creatorof the universe and thus theonly one worthy of worship.

63.) Miracles: Happen every day in many forms.

64.) love at first sight: Isn't real. Honest love takes time.

65.) Ghosts: Are real.

66.) Aliens: Have visited the Earth before and will do so again.

67.) Heaven: Is a place of higher spiritual learning and enlightenment.

68.) Hell: Is a state of total separation from God and His love.

69.) Angels: I believe in them.

70.) kissing on the first date: Depends.

71.) Horoscope: Aquarius, but I don't believe in Astrology.

72.) Fate: There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.

*sarcastically* congratu-friggin'-lations to me.

As I noted in one of my previous blogs, I got my wisdom teeth extracted about a week ago. Now, I have to go back to my oral surgeon tomorrow because we think that I might have an infection in the right half of my lower jaw.

On a happier note (at least for me) I return to school next Monday. Don't get me wrong, a little vacation is great, but eventually, I need stimulation or else I get bored and become almost intolerably annoying to the people around me.

Let's see, what else? In addition to having a primo anniversary present picked out, I'm planning a special surprise for Regina to commence in 5 days time.