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*DesertRose61093 Blog

You're about to become Hell's b*tch, so you can see Hell's other b*tches


(Spoilers for Supernatural Finale)

Best. Quote. Ever.

Pretty much though! This last episode was really good but it wasn't quite amazing! It was good but not GOOD. I liked it a lot, there were some awesome moments- singing Bon Jovi, afore-mentioned quote, seeing what Lilith does for fun :twisted:, Ruby being possessed, Sam being 'immune' to Lilith, ect. but it wasn't as affecting. I was thinking Oh SH*T Dean's dead and basically in hell, but I wasn't on the floor sobbing. It was still good though.

My heart is broken..

I know I haven't posted for a long time, but this is worth it. Yes it's broken.. broken broken broken. :cry: :cry: :cry:

(If you haven't watched the last episode of Supernatural then don't read)


My **** favorite character is screwed over, probably dead! I'm so sad! :cry: :cry::cry: Poor Bela/Abby! For one thing her backstory was so sad! This was so **** heartbreakingly awesome/horrible! I've never publicized the fact that i was a Bela fan, since there are some people who don't really like her, but I don't care anymore! DAMN IT! I loved her character and now she's **** gone damn it ahhhhhhh! (If you haven't figured it out the rest of this post will be ranting and sobbing, sorry) And her ending was so **** tragic. If she had come in to Sam and Dean they could have all helped each other, but that's not Bela so.. Oh god just thinking of that breaks my heart all over again. Her life story too! She didn't really do anything or know what she was doing, she was only an abused 14-year old! Oh the **** woe.... *quick sobbing break* I knew it wouldn't really end all happy for her but still... :cry: My day is seriously ruined, only one of my friends watches supernatural and she missed this episode! Gosh, I am seriously really sad. This sucks. I probably am going a little overboard, but i don't give a **** It was an awesome ending for her, but I am sad to see her go.

Gold Digger

Directions: Put your iPod playlist on shuffle, click NEXT for each question. The song that comes up is the answer.

What will next year hold in store for me? Brain Damage (Awesome song, but what a way to start this off!)

What does my love life look like? Lovin U (I love Alicia Keys and this song- yay!)

What do I say when life gets hard? Dig A Pony (sounds like fun.. I like this song

What song will you I dance to at my wedding? Lesson Learned (A lot of Alicia.. that's weird, anyway this is my top 10 fave songs, but it's about heartbreak.. bodes well for a marriage)

What do I want as my career? Diamonds from Sierra Leone (hmm..)

My favorite saying? Take the Reins (Mike+the Mechanics-I do say similar things, so it makes sense)

What do I think of my parents? If It Makes You Happy (That sort of is my philosophy towards them, but a little more extreme)

Where would I go on a first date? White Moon (exotic! I love the White Stripes)

Drug of choice? Circles (I'm not sure how I'd work that, but I know I'll find a way)

Describe myself. Suga Mama (Beyonce makes an appearence! But hahaha, SUGA MAMA!)

What is the thing I like doing the most? Soar (that would be awesome)

The song that best describes the president? Ice Cream (I do NOT want to think where that can go)

How will I die? The Butterfly (A butterfly will kill me.. how flattering)

The song that'll be played at my funeral? X-Files Theme (What can I say, fan until the end!)

The song you'll put as the subject? Gold Digger (fun! Another of my favorites)

Alright, the last song inspired me to remember my favorite/least favorite gold digger! Kendall Casablanca from Veronica Mars! I almost miss her! My heart is still broken over V.M.

Supernatural & Gossip Girl- New Season, Dexter

Everyone probably has heard by now, but Supernatural and Gossip Girl both have new seasons! So does Smallville, OTH and America's Next Model- but I pretty much only watch Supernatural and Gossip Girl. YAY! So HAPPY! I pretty much knew they wouldn't cut them, but hearing it made official makes it so much better! :D :D :D

I've started watching Dexter. I like it, it's a good show- I've only seen the first three episodes but I already like it. I probably won't get to watch it all like I did with Supernatural, but I'll eventually see more.


I haven't been on for a while, because spring sports started and all that.. but I was tagged by Caryn (hikinggirl70), so here they are..

1. I love to read.. I don't read as much as I used to, but I read a half an hour a night four or five times a week. I love nearly everything, but I have a soft spot for thrillers and science fiction. My favorite authors are Dean Koontz, Vince Flynn, Tamora Pierce, Janet Evanovitch, John Grishman, Sidney Sheldon ect.

2. I love all genres of music. Any genre. I love rock- both modern and prescnt. I especially love R&B and soul. I'm obsessed with Alicia Keys- she is one of my top favorites. I really like rap and hip-hop, I like most pop, electronica, and cl*ssical. I also love to sing and I have a pretty voice.

3. My favorite characters are the somewhat messed-up ones who sometimes are bad and are sometimes morally gray. TV-wise like Sylar, Elle, Gordon, Bela and Dexter!

4. I love being out doors. I go camping with my family sometimes and it is amazing. It's so cool to look around and be so far from civilization- I'm talking no cars, no running water, no permenant residents. It's pretty awesome.

5. I have a very weak immune system and tend to get sick relatively often.

Supernatural- Mystery Spot, Bus in Jello, Shows Returning ect.

Alright it's been a while since I blogged, and even though Mystery Spot aired Thursday, I still wanted to post.

First, yesterday I was talking on the phone with my friend Katie (the only one of my friends who watches Supernatural- I got her into it!) and we were looking at next week's episode and trying to figure out how long it will be. I still don't know, anyone have an idea? Anyways she was talking about the episode- Jus in Bello- and accidentally called in Bus in Jello.. I didn't realize it and we kept calling it Bus in Jello for the next five minutes before we realized it.. I thought that was funny so I wanted to share that and I was also wondering what Jus in Bello means.. LOL

Anyways, I loved Mystery Spot- it had me crying from both laughter and sadness. Just saying, I cry from laughing pretty easily. Watching Dean die all those times was so funny but it made me feel bad laughing. The first and second deaths were sad but after that they were hilarious. My favorties include him falling in the shower, poisoned by the taco, and choking on the sausage.. simply hilarious! When Sam caught the trickster and got him to make it right I looked at the clock and was like Nooooo.. It's only like half-way through. Poor Sam! After Dean died, he was so robotic- his eyes were empty. My heart hurts just thinking about it. He killed 'Bobby'! I was scared for a minute it was actually him. The ending was a bit abrupt, but I still liked it. I can't wait for next week's!

Ok, I'm happy that the strike is over, but I'm afraid that when my shows come back I won't like them as much as I did before the strike. Since I started watching Supernatural, it has become my official new favorite show- it is amazing and I am afraid that other shows will pale in comparison. IDK..

Supernatural, Strike, Semi-Snow Day, Super Tuesday, ect.

OMG!! I just watched the season finale of Supernatural, and it was one of the- if not the- best episode I have ever seen on ANYTHING! HOLY SH*T it was great! It was unbelievable, I mean Sam dying and Dean selling his soul! It makes me so sad I didn't discover this show sooner! And John Winchester climbing out of hell... kick a**! I can't wait to start watching the third season, and there is a new episode tomorrow (I'm not going to watch it though). I've already seen Sin City so there are eight episodes to catch up with, plus tomorrow's episode. This episode completely confirmed what I had already realized... I'm in love!!!

Watching this makes me glad (yes glad) the strike happened. If it hadn't I never would have started to watch Supernatural. I know I may sound insane saying it, but it was worth it having the strike and discovering Supernatural. Anyway, the strike is supposedly slowing down and there will be more negotiations on Saturday, YAY! We might even get more episodes this season if things go quickly! :D :D :D

Also, today was a semi-snow day! We got out at two and blocks four through eight were only thirty-five minutes opposed to fifty. It was snowing like mad, and I was seriously hoping for a snow day tomorrow, but I don't think there will be one :( but anyway having one today was awesome! :)

Yesterday, was also Super Tuesday which was pretty interesting. I'm from Illinois- Chicago area, so the majority of the democrats are for Obama as he is our congressional district's senator. It was interesting to see how people felt, even though we didn't talk much about it in school. Also, it was amusing and saddening to see how many people were uninvolved and had no idea about Super Tuesday and what it entailed. Even though I'm not old enough to vote :( , I've been aware of politics and the presidential races since the 2000 one (took me a little longer for Congress) and it shocks me that eight years later there are people my age who still don't give a ****

Anyways that's pretty much it.. but I just realized (random) that all my topics start with S... :P IDK why I noticed it...

Level 13, Snow Day, Supernatural, ect.

Yay I'm Level 13! :) I'm already at 56%, because I did a lot of updating at one point. The icon is ok, but I like the name: regal beagle.

Anyway, today is a snow day! YAY! :lol: We got about six or so inches of snow, so we got the day off. Ihad a lot of homework due today, so I stayed up until around one working on it, only to find out that I had a snow day today.. It was nice to sleep in, but I felt like staying up working on it was for nothing.. :( :lol: lol.

Lately, I've been watching Supernatural.. and I have fallen completely in love! I started watching last Friday and am currently on the twenty first episode..:oops:I also got my friend, Katie into it. She is also totally into it. None of my friends really watched it, so now we are both watching it. It's pretty awesome... Some episodes are sort of hard to find, but I have three reliable web sites where I can find them for free and not have to download them.

Anyway that's pretty much it, I've got to get back to my Supernatural.. lol! :D

Finals, Supernatural. Pride and Prejudice ect.

Yay I'm finally done with finals! Alleluia! I'm so happy, and now I have a four day weekend! I only had two in the morning, so i got to go home at twelve.

I saw an episode of Supernatural a couple of weeks ago. It was really, really good and I want to start watching it, everyone's always saying how good it is. I think the episode I saw was Sin City.. I would have startedwatching, except for finals and the end of the semester so I didn't.. Anyway I was looking online and wanted to start from the beginning.. I found likeevery episode EXCEPT the first one, so I guess I'll just find out what happened in it and start with the second. I can't wait!

Last night I went and got the 1995 version of pride and prejudice and am starting it now. I saw the 2005 one first, and Im afraidI'll be prejudiced by seeing that and loving it! Its six hours long (YAY) and I hope that I like it and don't consistentlycompare it and the actors to the newerversion! I don't thinkI was ever thisnervous before seeing a movie before.. lol.

Cashmere Mafia, Kyle XY, Finals ect...

wow, I really haven't blogged for a while... lol!

Anyway, there isn't much tv on and I've been busy with studying and preping for finals and the semester end and all that crap.. My school is one of those unlucky ones that has finals after winter break :cry: :cry: I'vealso been loading lots of new music onto my ipod.. :D

I saw part of the Sarah Connor Chronicles and that was pretty good I guess. I've seen two episodes of Cashmere Mafia and I like it a lot so far! It's really good!

Also, today Kyle XY started again, YAY! I've only seen the 2nd season- tried to watch the first, couldn't- and I like the second season at least a lot. I didn't start watching it until later, so Jessi was already in it when I started and she's my favorite character and the only reason I like the show as much as I do. I might might might still watch it if she wasn't a major character, but maybe not.. I really don't get why people don't like her, I guess its because of the possibility of her getting in the way of Kyle and Amanda...

in that regard I say screw that.. I don't like Kyle and Amanda together (OMG blasphemy!), I don't think they have much chemistry, and I don't especially like Amanda's character. She's sweet and all but she's not really interesting. just sort of bland in my opinion. I like characters that are interesting and have depth whether they're 'good' or 'bad',(that's part of why I like Jessi so much!) I mean can you say total Mary-Sue wannabe? Amanda totally is.. OK Ending Amanda is annoying and personality-less rant..

Anyways I may be one of the few, but I like Jessi and Kyle way better! I liked the episode a lot but the whole Kyle and Amanda thing sort of killed it for me, my mom was watching it with me and we both cracked up at the scene.. I mean come on, I've seen so many things with more chemisty and sincerity!Maybe I'm just spoiled from watching shows like X-files and Bones where the characters have real chemistry.. but whatever. That's pretty much it, If I offended anyone with this post then I apologize, but I'm just expressing my opinion..

Oh and it snowed today also, so it looks so pretty outside! :)