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*DesertRose61093 Blog

Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters 11/25/07

Desperate Housewives- Although I missed parts of it- the first eight minutes and bits throughout, I thought this was definitley a great episode! I liked how the cops basically called Gaby dumb and alluded that she would make the stupid mistake of removing all fingerprints. I loved when Carlos wanted to turn themselves in and Gaby convinced him to have a drink and then drugged it! It was also amusing when Edie tried to leave an anyonomous tip. I didn't really like that they are messing up Susan and Mike- it made me so sad! I'm glad though that Mike got Julie away from that drug dealer. LOL what a good matchmaker Susan is... I loved that Lynette's stepfather came back and I loved how it showed how close they were- I just loved his character in general! When he revealed that he was gay and that he left her mother not because she was cheating on him but because he was gay I was moderatly shocked. Bree's storyline was also great! her conversation with Tom about sex was so funny! He was so ready to give out suggestions. I felt so bad for Andrew when she said the three of them! Poor Andrew! I liked though how she went to see him and they talked... Oh and when Orson said that the only thing that would help him feel better was sleep or 'getting lucky' and there was a greater chance for both happening if he was alone I nearly died of laughter! An all together amazing episode.

Brothers and Sisters- Also a good episode, I really liked it. The whole virginity talk was hlarious! I love how when Nora began to mention how she lost hers and that it wasn't to their father they were shocked- one of them even said something along the lines of "Mom you slut" - and then sickened and ran away before she finished telling them about it. I also liked how Nora looked up her first time guy and then went to dinner with him. I loved that Kitty asked Rebecca to be a bridesmaid for her! The whole dress shopping conversations were hilarious! It was so funny when Kitty found 'the dress' even though she already was going to wear her mother's. I'm so glad that Julia came back with their daughter. When she called I was like YES and the she appeared and I was so happy. I thought it was sort of stupid and pointless that she left at all but now she's back so its all good. Also, I'm really happy that Justin apologized to Rebecca- I hated when hewas pissed at her- I love their relationship. A good episode that sets up for Kitty's marriage and other big events next episode.


Was Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy new on Thursday? Being the holiday I missed it- just like last year when it was around Thanksgiving... Anyway I think that it would have been strange if it was new, because not too many people would have been able to watch it. After all there was no new Gossip Girl on Halloween partly because it was Halloween so even though they are on different stations wouldn't they similarily not have a new episode? Ok I'm just being lazy because I don't want to have to find them online... Anyway I hope they were good episodes if they were on, on thursday...

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Yes it may seem strange that I am online on Thanksgiving... but my family being procrastinators will only be leaving for a 4-hour car ride... so I probably won't be online for the rest of the weekend. Anyway I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving (if its celebrated in your country).

Bones and House 11/20/07

This episode of Bones was amazing- I really loved it. I liked how it went back to the Gormagon case and added new puzzles to it. I was so happy that Sweets was in this case and I laughed so hard when he mentioned the Sith Lords in Star Wars. I loved how Zack was finally the king of the lab... yay Zach! The part with Brennan's family was so sweet and I liked that we met Amy and her daughter Hayley. When they found the 'master' in the nursing homeand he hissed at Brennan I jumped. That was sort of freaky...

House was also great. I loved how the challenge was to get Cuddy's thong... LOL. I'm so sad the Mormon is gone, he was not too bad of a character, I liked him. I thought it was so sad that he left. It was funny though. The whole 13 and her illness part was interesting- I wish we had found out the results but I understand why they didn't show them. I loved how House spiked her coffee and then she spiked his. The case with the magician was amusing, I love how he never revealed his tricks(?) I loved his arguement with House about magic and truth.

Level Seven

Yay, I amfinally at Level Seven! As much as I liked being a small wonder- the girl was so cute- its nice to be a level higher :P I don't like the icon for talk show host as much as the one for small wonder- its just a microphone, but thats ok. I might be the only one that cares anout levels.. but that okay :)

Heroes 11/19/07

Heroes: Let me start out by saying awesome episode! Personally I loved it! Many of thepaintings were fufilled- Mohinder firing the company gun, HRG 'dying'. I liked how Bennett and West had to work together and they started to like each other. Actually I really liked West in this episode. Anyway, I thought it was interesting how Elle was Mohinder's partner and how they worked together. I loved when Elle met Mohinder and was like "OOO he's so adorable, can i keep him?' That was great! By the way, what the hell happenedwith Mohinder? WTF was that when he shot HRG? When he shot him I started jumping up and down and screaming curse words athim... I was so mad and sad that HRG died, that when I saw the ending I freaked out with happiness! YAY! I loved the plot line with Hiro figuring out thathe shouldn't change what was meant to be and talking to his father. I was afraid he was going to leave and not find out what happened to him, but I was so happy when I saw that he had stayed. I'm not surprised that Kensei/Adam was the one who killed him, but Hiro certainly was.Now thatAdam is working with Peter, I can't wait to see the confrontation between Hiro and Peter (saw a bit in the preview).The bit with Parkman was great- I liked how he was able to use his mind to control people, but I'm afraid that he will become like his dad.So wait, he did get the name out of Angela?? I guess he did by looking at the post-it note. Anyway this was an amazing episode that leaves me wanting more.

555 forum posts

LOL- yes I know a random post, but since I "love" numbers and cool combinations like 555- I posted about it... I'm surprised that I already have 555 posts, yet at the rate I like to post I shouldn't be surprised. I'm glad it was at the Heroes thread and not some random thread...


I just came onto thehome pageand they had yet another article about the strikes- but this time listingsome moreof the casualties, so I wanted to post them...

  • Aliens in America and Reaper will stop production later this month,
  • Supernatural will stop filming in early December,
  • Men in Trees will shoot through mid-January
  • Smallville will continue production through January 23.
  • Psych, The 4400, and Kyle XY have all already gone dark
  • Bionic Woman and Sci-Fi's Battlestar Galactica, aren't being filmed anymore
  • The Office and 30 Rock shut down pretty quickly
  • Heroes has only three episodes left
  • Certain Holiday episodesfor Fox.

When Will the Writers' Strike End?

The writer's strike seems to be no closer to ending any time soon... according to guardian unlimited it "- currently - looks as if it might outrun the last, five-month WGA strike of 1988."How would we survive without new episodes?? Already the holiday episodes for Bones and House are called off because of the strikes :( Most television shows have only about three or four more episodes left, Heroes only had three episodes left. I don't see why the U.S. can't follow other countries examples and just pay them. The writers' guild in Britian has already settled with the broadcasters, so why can't we just settle? I really hope they settle soon or else it willbe all reality tv shows once we run out of new episodes. AHHHHHHH!

Random Sports Blog

Guess what! Right now its the best time for a Chicago Cub fan... why you ask? It's the off-season, the Cubs can't lose!!! YAY! Anyway for non-baseball fans this may seem like a stupid blog- and I guess it is but whatever. AnywayI was bored and was on and was looking at random stats. The Cubs pay $94,841,166 in paycheck to their players each year! They are making a couple trades and trying to revamp their lineupfor next year... In other baseball news, the Yankees are losing interest in acquiring Mike Lowell.