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*EmoHaruno Blog

InkDeath *Some Spoilers, Mostly Rant*

I finished InkDeath last night.


Hated it. I have a huge expectation for endings, and I HATED this ending. Not only did they enter a gary sue like character, they ruined relationships that had been going on for TWO books. And the ending How can they escape things so easily? Thats what I liked about the first book. Meggie got captured twice before she finally escaped. And bringing back Basta as a night-mare? So freaking lame! I hated it. So much. The only good thing about it was Jacopo, who in my opinion was the best character in the book.

Hopefully Corenila Funke will do better in her next series. I guess this is a month of bad endings (Twilight, anyone?). This reader is left on an angry note.

I'm a terrible person

I'm a terrible person. It's true. I feel so horrible that I'm going to tell a dwindling online community why I am a terrible person.

  1. I forgot my close friend's (and crush XD)'s birthday. How horrible is that? Very.
  2. I judge all these kids in my grade by how obnoxious they are.
  3. I complain about not having any friends in my english/history and don't do anything.
  4. I didn't help a bullied kid although I swore I was going to
  5. I rejected my friend who asked me out harshly.

I look at these, and I wonder why I even considered myself a good person. Then I decided, well there has to be SOME good reasons on why I am a good person.

  1. I went and bought him a card and two books. And I wrapped them myself.
  2. Although I'm judging them, they ARE obnoxious and mean.
  3. I ended up being accepted by my class anyway because of example 5 XD
  4. I felt bad about it. Terrible people never feel bad or ashamed.
  5. It needed to be done. I needed to tell him clear and consise.

Now, for number 3, when I say my classmates finally accepted me, its because they realized I have FRIENDS! My friend from number 5 asked me out during lunch, where I rejected him pretty harshly. I hadn't even realized what he was asking. Then, while I was walking to history, it hit me: HE ASKED ME OUT! (but I didn't like him that way anyway). My friends were walking a bit ahead of me and I called them over in front of my history class where I told them the news. Then my friends promptly screamed and laughed. Then they were like, what did you say? "I said no, I didn't like him in that way." (then he said but I'm your best friend and hugged me). They were like, why were you so mean? And I was like, well I didn't want to end up like some people and say yes out of pity. Then that said's friend boyfriend came up and was like hi. We all, except him, started cracking up. Loudly. Then I'm like I better go in to history. And I did and everyone SMILED at me because they 1. heard me laughing and 2. saw I had FRIENDS. Then I talked with them! The world is so bright .;)


l'Shana tov!

Which translates to HAPPY NEW YEAR! For all my fellow jews, lets make this year as great and sweet as the last one :D

I like the high holy days. They are pretty much the only time I get to syngagoge, and its the whole congregation together, wishing eachother and praying for a happy new year. Then theres Yom Kippur, my favorite next to Sukkot and Passover. I don't know why, but I feel a one day confession and fasting is better and easier than confession every week. I'm not a very...well...religious person and I'm a pretty bad Jew- I never go to synagoge (too busy!), I never pray, I use god's name all the time and I text during services :D But, when I do get to pray, I find that I'm very exact and not very selfish, which gives me some reassurance.

And today is blackout, but I decided not to participate. I really don't mind the layout.

I Just Realized...

I haven't had a tennis blog in, what, weeks?! How horrible of me! I bet you all missed them! So, I shall give the remaining members of another tennis blog!

My school is doing really well. We have a 5-0 record and in the Cape-Atlantic League Tournament, we have a doubles team in the finals and one singles and the other doubles in the semis. I myself have an undefeated school record. My partner was Gabby, but that...didn't turn out too well. So it was switched to Sam, then to Vanessa where I had the best record. I did lose once though, with Vanessa, in a tournament, which is why I said my school record was undefeated.

Tomorrow is a game against Atlantic City. They are pretty tough, but I'm pretty sure Mainland can pull through and beat them. Ugh, that reminds me that I have go to school tomorrow after being sick for days. Ughh.


Wow, I'm sick again. I actually missed school thanks to this virus, and I may or may not miss tomorrow.

I miss and everyone on it.

Where are thou everyone? And is everyone still active?

Sick and Sad

Today, I realized, is only the 9th day of school. It felt like three months from all the essays I had to write and from tennis every day. Yesterday we played Oakcreast and beat them 5-0 (Varsity) and 7-0 (JV). I think I started getting sick from yesterday, but it might have been stress from before. I have a sore throat right now and my head hurts, I have chills, etc. Watch me wake up at 5 AM to throw up again DX But the thing is, I do not WANT to be sick. We have a big match versus Ocean City tomorrow, and I really, really, REALLY want to play. Of course, I won't play if I'm sick (whats the point of that? I want the team to SUCCEED) But I'm going to try and pull it through school, etc.

Now for the sad part. I had two super old friends: A and B. By old, I mean we went WAY back, like Kindergarden. I had been close to A since Kindergarden, and B and I were bffs in first. B and I sort of seperated by second grade, but came back together during the rest of elementary and middle school, and we were close friends again, especially in 6th and 7th. Friend A and I stayed best friends til 5th grade, then we started to seperate.

It used to never bother me. I made a group of super close crazy/weird/nerdy best friends. They made their own best friends. But, since I had no one to talk to in my high school classes, and seeing as they are IN these classes, it has started to hurt again. I think about friend B and how she used to be a total tomboy, never listening to what anyone says and walking to the beat of her own drum. Then, she became friends with the 'goodie goodies' of my grade and suddenly: everything changed. Instead of being unique, I thought she became another one of them. Like a clone. I mean, they dress the same, wear their hair the same, and even PLAY THE SAME SPORT! I even knew friend B hated the sport because she told me. And what tops it off, friend B wont even look me in the eye anymore, talk to me, or anything. I even sat at her lunch table recently, and she didn't say anything to me. It doesn't even look like we used to be best friends.

Friend A is a different story. She is in my (least) favorite class, Tolerance, and she does talk to me...sometimes. But I remember when we used to be best friends, the days when we would pretend to be sisters in Antartica and have to build a snow fort to survive, the days where we used to play with Barbies in her basement, the crazy sleepovers. In fact, A and I were the perfect example of best friends. We did everything together. In Hebrew school we were inseperable. Then, another girl named Amber entered the picture. And did a girl name Sam. Then, friend A turned her attention from figure skating to cheerleading. And she left me in the dust, while she gained new friends. I did try to prevent it though. I talked to her about it, how I was jealous on how the other Amber got more attention than I did. I was used to being number one in her life, and I know that sounds weird. But, I was ten, and I had the dream that friend A and I would be one of those friends for life type of friends. But my dreams were shattered. The friendship stopped working. We fell apart. Different circles. And, it took me awhile, but I got over it. Until this year, when I saw her again. I thought we were going to be friends again when she and I started walking to math together...she would wait at my locker and I would show her the way to math. But then I realized...she was using me. I should have known from the moment she saw another one of her 'group' and run over to her, ignoring me. I should have known that yesterday she would stop waiting at my locker. And guess what? It hurt. It really did. And I realized today just HOW much she changed: In tolerance, we were asked what our biggest values were. We had to pick out 10 from a list, then narrow our number down to 5. I picked: Responsibilty, Intergrity, Helpfulness, Friendship, and the last one I just can't remember. Anyway, Friend A picked: wealth, fame, power, reconigtion, and family happiness (at the last one). It was when I read her list that I realized she changed so much. So much that we couldn't be friends anymore.

But I'm meeting new ones. And I have my old ones. And I know the fates don't hate me as much as I think they do because today, while I was in one of my no-one-likes-me-I-am-so-lonely-and-pathetic-I-think-I-will-cry moods, a girl I was talking to, and actually like, from a week ago walked into my History class, saying she was sick (she was out for a week!) and she had went to the wrong classroom before. And she even remembered me! Knew my name! I could have sworn the fates were smiling at me.

I sound nerdy,


Advice :D

So, yea. I really, really, really need some advice. I'm barely passing my English, History, and Chemistry!

Grades: ENGLISH:

Summer Reading:ShortStoryTest: 76 (C)

Summer Reading:ShortStoryEssay: 80 (C)

Summer Reading:WhenIWasAPuertoRicanTest: 79 (C)

Summer Reading: SummerPacket: 100 (A)

OVERALL GRADE: 84 (B) (I'm like, How the hell did I get a B in this ****with FOUR Cs??)

Grades: HISTORY:

Homework: DBQHW: 100 (A)

Project: MiniDPQProject: 90 (B)

Exam:Entertest: 78 (C)

OVERALL GRADE: C (I'm not sure the number. When I averaged it, it made an 89, but probably because homework is less, I have a C)


To be honest, I only know I have a 100 HW grade, (minus one day where I did the wrong page) and I have a 80 quiz grade, 100 lab grade participation, etc. But we have a lab next week, so I can bring my grade up. I am thinking my grade is around C-middle B XD

So as you can all see, I'm doing GREAT in my cl@sses! Truthbetold, I am actually good at bringing up Cs to As from the middle of the marking period to the end of it. So I don't see this as a problem. I just want to see what you guys have to say and any suggestions (other than study harder -rolls eyes-) you may have.



Random Rant On Rubber Bands

If anyone has been through the horrible, annoying pain that is RUBBER BANDS, then I'm guessing you will relate with me. For those lucky ones who never had to put on in their mouths, I envy you. I guess I should enlighten the lucky ones: rubber bands are little round elastics that stretch. Usually they go in the back, and you hook one around a little nook hanging out from the end brace, and pull it up to another nook on one of the top teeth brace. In my case, mine go from the bottom of the front of my mouth to the top of the front of my mouth. Rubber bands are one of the worlds worst downsides to having braces: they hurt the first days of having them, they making eating harder, and they pop if you yawn, try to put food in your mouth, or they just hate you that day (I'm serious, they have a mind of their own!)

Its not so bad for the ones in the back, but the ones in the front make eating a pain in the...First of all, they area between the two bands isn't big enough to fit a spoon! Luckily for me, I mastered the way of eating with rubber bands, but still, for the first weeks, its 100% annoying. And the pain they give you the first weeks! Oh god, that was toture. I wanted to rip my teeth out because it hurt so much! Thanks to the marvelous gap between my top and bottom front teeth, I get to wear them in the front! And when they are in the front, they pop more than usual. Like every five minutes.


Rant done,



My friends threw me a surpise birthday party! (Although it wasn't really a surpise as I knew about it XD, but still) Not going to be a very long blog because I'm way tired but I'll say this: doesn't it rock to have friends who do what you ask and follow through with it? Or know what you want and know how to make you laugh? I'm feeling really lucky right now to know the people I know, and I can't wait to meet more amazing people in highschool.

Seriously tired,


High School :O

So I had my first day of high school! I got up at 6:20 and got there by 7:15. Then, I rushed to the girls locker room and put away my tennis bags and other stuff in my triple shared locker (me, Vanessa and Sarah are sharing a locker XD) Then I ran out of the gym, trying to find my homeroom. I passed it once, went back, and was like- um, where do I sit? Thank god she assigned seats in alphabetical order (my homerooms Ca-Da or something like that, I was in the middle) and then I watched as these two obnoxious girls from my middle school tried to communicate using hand signals, and the rest of class watching them. I was like: god, first day of school and they ALREADY want attention.

Then I got lost on my way to Chemistry! Yay! But I eventually found it, and I had two periods in there since we had a lab day. For the class part, we got books, worksheets, and we were doing conversions in the metric system (sooo easy). Then, we had a lab but we really just played with bunsen burners and how to light them with the striker, etc.

Then I went to French, where I got lost yet again! And I got crushed in the hallway of doom- a bunch of students going three ways: up, down, and side. I don't know how I made it through, but I did. I finally found French and entered late XD French seems like an easy class- many slackers in it and tomorrow I believe I pick my French name!

Then I went to Tolerance, which is the easiest class in the world. No other comment is really needed.

Then I went to Geometry, which a friend who I thought wasn't in it actually ended up being in it! The teacher lets us chew gum, which is a plus XD No work yet, but we apparently are starting tomorrow.

Then I went to study hall, which I tried to finish Chem homework. Note the word 'tried'. Then I went to Lunch, which was so short because of the extended homeroom, that I didn't even get to eat my lunch (even though I went and bought it DX)

Then I went to English/History. I say it like that because its a cojoined class with different grade....? Yeah I don't get it either. XP All I know is on Fridays, we meet up as a big group, and on different days we have history for two periods and english for two periods. Which gives people two extra days to do homework XD

Then I went to my favorite class of the day, Competitive Speech and Drama. It was tons of fun, lots of laughs and fooling around/insulting people XD Lots of fun, and a great way to end the day XD

Well thats my first day of school! Unless you want to count Tennis practice, in which I won my challenge match against Vanessa 6-1, and lost to Gabby (varsity player) 6-2 DX I had no water, it was hot, and I used most of my energy in the Vanessa match XD I think I'm going to re-challenge her and beat her next time XD. But, I am the highest ranked JV as of now, so thats pretty cool XD

Okaydokies, G2G XD,


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