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*FOP_fan17 Blog

Awww, they're so cute!

Well, I FINALLY met the kids! They're ADORABLE. We played with them outside and they ran around, shrieked and giggled. The baby just stared at me when I held him, like he was trying to read my mind. I hope he doesn't cry a lot. The little girl is very cute and didn't like our dog, but she started to warm a little bit near the end. The older boy is WILD.....but I think he'll learn after a while. School end on Wednesday! I have my last two finals tomorrow. I'm really glad for that.:D


I'm really worried now. The woman who is setting up my baby-sitting job keeps delaying the meeting because the kids' mother won't return them to their father. He keeps leaving messages on her answering machine and her parents', and there's no answer. He doesn't have his van to drive down and get them himself.....we're afraid she ran off with them. I've been depressed about this all day. I want to help them, and I worry about their safety. She's supposed to be in court on June 1st to give full custody to the father....what if she doesn't show up? This will bother me for days now....and I have finals to study for! I guess the main thing that gets me is this.....whenever I look forward to something, it gets taken away from me or turns out badly. My life wasn't like this for a little while now, but I REALLY want this sitting job. I feel like I need to love those kids even though I've never met them. I hope everything turns out well in the end.

Great Week!

Overall I had a better week than usual. The friend I wasn't speaking to and I made up on Monday I think. She even invited me to her party two weeks from now.:)But, I don't know if I can go.

I also made the National Honor's Society!....finally! It was a really fancy ceremony. I had to dress up:roll:but it was still fun.

On Thursday, I got to do something really interesting. The 8th graders at my school were reading a book about a disabled person, and somehow the Life Skills (disabled) group at my schol was brought up. They made really nasty comments about them, so some other girls from Child Care, some kids from Culinary Arts, and I went into their English period to teach them about how disabled people really are....we work with them in Culinary Arts and Child Care and know how to treat them and what they can do. We made them ride in a wheelchair, try to turn on a speech machine, read with glasses that had Vaseline on them, try to eat Jell-O with twisted utensils tied to their wrists, and button a jacket with gloves on to teach them what disabled people do EVERY DAY. To teach them that they're NOT as smart as they think. Actually, a lot of kids even went to the Life Skills teacher and told her they learned something.:DThe kids at my school can be real jerks but can learn something when they need to...or have a guilty conscience.

I also get to take a college course this fall! It's called "Western Civilization" (I have NO clue what that is.) I have to pass a placement test....but I think I can do it.

I have finals next week.:roll:I really hate them. It's the only reason we even come to school the last four days. I have 6 1/2 days of school left!

The kids I'm baby-sitting for are probably coming at 10 am tomorrow! I hope they like me!

Giving Blood/Friends ****

I gave blood today!....for the first time. It was actually kind of fun. I had to sit for about 2 hours before I could go. I actually handled it quite well...I wasn't nervous about the needle, and I didn't even feel lightheaded when I was done. The guy that took my blood was funny....he seemed impressed with how I handled it, and the fact that it only took 7 minutes to fill the bag of blood. That was the highlight of my day.:PThe rest of it sucked. Here's why....

My boyfriend and a couple of my friends went on the band trip...I didn't. One of these friends liked my boyfriend for the longest time, but was willing to respect it when I started to date him. Well, on the band trip, she was all over him....sitting on his lap and flirting, and she even flirted with one of my best friends's boyfriends. She didn't even talk to many girls! Well, my best friend told me about it today....and needless to say I was very angry. One girl even got pictures on her phone but deleted them later. Anyhow, this friend and I decided to confront her about it face-to-face. Well, I was at the blood drive, so I couldn't do it, but my friend did. This girl said that she was glad she was told how we felt. But then next period, she started bawling....of course. One of my friends...I'll call her Number 3, asked her what was wrong. And another friend of mine (#2) said, "See, this is why we fight, because you're so nosy." Then SHE wanted to know what was wrong! How can someone be so hypocritical? Anyhow, this friend who was crying, the one that was flirting with my boyfriend, said he ASKED her to do it! When my group of friends told her I was too smart to believe it, #2 said, "She's not that smart. Those answers she gave to that worksheet? They're probably all wrong. (to my other friend) "So you were on his lap huh? Good job!" Well, I'm mad now and I'm not friends with them anymore! They crawl up each other's asses and act like they're better than everyone else...and they're not. Well, a friend and I are going to the Relay on Friday to spy on her and see if she flirts with my friend's boyfriend again. I'll show them! In a way, my friend called herself stupid because I'm way smarter than she is! She even copied my double-sided History worksheet! Uggghhh! Any advice? Cause I kind of believe that my boyfriend asked her to do that.

My Report Card

Here's my grades at the end of the third marking period:

Academic Advisory (basically a study hall): 100

Child Care: 100

Ecology and the Environment: 94

U.S. History 2: 94

HealthA: 98

Driver's Ed: 92

Phys. Ed.: 92

English: 98

Spanish: 98

Geometry: 83

I need advice!!!!!!!!!

I can officially call my sophomore year of high school the "sucky year of drama!" My friends can't sit together for 5 minutes without having an argument! They all have so many issues with each other!!!! I won't disclose my friends' names on the Internet, so I gave them numbers to represent they are....

#1 - A lot of people don't like her because she's VERY outspoken, but that's what I like about her. Two of my so-called "friends" don't like her because they think she's loud, immature, and mean. What the real case is that one of those "friends" is super-sensitive and blows what #1 says out of proportion. Whenever she's in a fight with someone, everyone makes it out to be her fault! It's not all her fault, she'll just tell it like it is.....and we NEED more people like that in this world! She tries to give #3 advice, and in return she's accused of being nosy and people start hating on her! She seriously wants to move to her mom's to get away from everyone!

#2 - She used to be immature, but she's starting to change now. My other "friends" don't give her a chance, though. They also blame her for everything. No one ever listens to her when she tries to help them, either. She is called "fat" and "frumpy" by #4, but she is neither of those things! Yet if she takes something to heart, they call her a's not fair!

#3 - She's very overdramatic about things. Thinks she's better than the rest of us because she's in the music program at school. She blows everything out of proportion and started to ignore me for some reason. She also lies to get attention. On her website, her top friends are people she doesn't even talk to! I'm not even on her top anymore, and I didn't do anything! She crawls up #4's butt all the time and takes her side no matter what. She also claims she never liked number 2 and only pretended to like her because we were all friends with her. Yet over the summer, she let her practically live with her because she doesn't like it at her dad's....kinda weird to let someone you don't like live with you, isn't it? She is the one who makes the "fat" and "frumpy" comments about 1 and 2, yet she wears the same sweatshirt over her T-shirts five days in a row.

#4 - She is too sensitive about things. Accuses numbers 1 and 2 of being nosy when they only want to help. She ignores me, too. She was told to use my Geometry book today when she forgot hers and refused. Again, I did NOTHING!!!!! Nothing is ever her fault......she crawls up number 3's butt, too, and assumes they're both right about everything.

Well, that's it. I feel better now. If you have any useful advice for me, feel free to comment!

Why TV **** nowadays.....

:cry:I know I'm not the only one who feels this way....television SUCKS nowadays!:evil: Most stations have topics that don't interest me, like sports, news, and other various things. My favorite stations were: A&E, Disney, CN, and Nick. Now, they all SUCK!!!!! A&E plays all my favorite shows late at night when I can't watch them....and I'm ticked off because they haven't played Dog: The Bounty Hunter in AGES!!!! CN has yet to impress me with their show selection. The only shows I ever liked there were KND and Foster's. KND got cancelled with a rather disappointing finale, and Foster's hasn't made new episodes in a while, so I think that's done, too. And then Nick wanted to cancel FOP? Sorry, but in the past year TV decided to cancel all my favorite shows. What gives? The only Teen Nick show I like is Drake and complaints there! But DP and MLAATR got cancelled, and they were two of my favorite shows! It's a good thing Nick granted FOP more air time, or I'd never forgive them! Don't even get me started on Disney! That used to be my favorite station! Not anymore! They only play happy sparkle-and-shine shows all the time that are the perfect example of why kids do stupid stuff because their lives aren't perfect. Practically all the teen girls are too skinny, have lives that are too "perfect," are total ditzes, wear outfits covered in sparkles all the time, or any combination of those things! Just watch that station, and you won't be surpised as to why girls go anorexic....and they never impressed me with their toon selection, either. The few cartoons I DID like only play at night and really early in the morning, so I don't see them! There's only one cartoon I care for, and they play when I'm in school so I can't watch it...I only get to catch the new episodes the rare times they play after school (which isn't very often) or if I happen to wake up in the middle of the night, see that it's coming on, and stay up to watch it! They also place WAY TOO MUCH EMPHASIS on shows that SUCK!!!! Take Hannah Montana, for instance....I used to like that show, but now all you hear about on that station and everywhere else is "Hannah this, Hannah that"......little girls do not dominate this world, people! Just because they're obessed with her doesn't mean everyone else has to be! The Suite Life was another show I liked, but that's got the biggest amount ditzy girls I ever saw on one show, and they place too much emphasis on having a lot of money and elegance in your life. And all that station seems to care about is that new cartoon Phineas and Ferb, which is pretty boring, if you ask me. Ashley Tisdale wasted her time with that show, she should've stayed on the Suite Life so there was at least ONE average girl on the show.....well, I feel better now! Bye!
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