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*GGfan413 Blog

wow... talk about a long time!

it's been wayy to long since i've posted!

over a year.

So I figured I'd give you a FULL update on my life (mainly tv life... because, duh, this is TV.com)

Right now, I am eating rocky road ice cream in my beautiful Orange County, CA home with my wonderful husband, watching the news. (I actually hate the news... i think it's depressing, but he loves it.) We just got back from dinner with our friends, a couple who got just had a baby. it was fun, but now im tired. My big brother is supposed to call me tonight to let me know how his wife is doing... she was put in the hospital with some complications with the baby, but they're both okay now. im just excited to be an aunt!

alright, so enough about my personal life. here are all of my current obsessions in order from most obsessed to least obsessed.


i dont think i'll ever get over my obsession with this series. I've read and re-read all 4 books (btw, the fourth was great... even if some people didnt like it) and I've already bought my tickets for me and my friends for the midnight opening of the movie which comes out NOVEMBER 21ST!!!! :D I feel like I know all there is to know about it cuz ive watched clips and interviews on youtube like a million times. But that's okay... I think. I might need to go to TAA (twilight addicts anonymous).


Okay, I am officially hooked on this show. I never miss it, and I find myself thinking about it all day after it airs. My biggest obsession with it is Chuck and Blair. I think they are the cutest couple and I am DYING for them to finally be together! I was in tears during that last scene where they realize they could never be a normal couple, because they like "the game" too much. :/ Still, I love it nonetheless.


I watch it whenever I have a chance on TV Land. I absolutely ADORE Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz... they're hilarious and I never get sick of watching them on screen together. Lucille is an idol with the way she can be classy and humorous all at once and can make anyone laugh. I would have loved to meet them.

3.) SIA

This musician is AMAZING. If you haven't heard her, LISTEN NOW. I first heard her hit, "Breathe Me" and I loved it and bought all of her albums, and I listen to them constantly! I HIGHLYYY recommend.

Alright, I was going to list more, but I'm tired... so I'm going to stop there for now. Please comment! :)

See you on the boards (specifically, Gossip Girl and The Office)

life update...

I haven't posted a blog in a while... so here's whats been going on.
I read Eclipse (the book from my previous blog) in one sitting.  (yes, it was THAT good.)  I really do recommend reading the twilight series.  The only bad thing is that I have to wait another full year or so to wait for the 4th one to come out...

Also, my brother got married a few months ago (july 7th...i think) and they just found out a week or so ago that they're having a baby! (:  I couldn't be happier.  My brother is a little young (24) but he's responsible and I love his wife.  She's one of the sweetest things ever.  So congrats to Tyler and Katelyn!

other news... Me and my sisters are kinda busted.  They're grounded...but they can't really ground me since i don't live at home.  We were having a R.A.C.H night (stands for riley, alexa, carly, and haley night... a little name we made up years ago for our traditional "slumber parties.")  and carly decided that she wanted to sneak out to meet her friends at the movies.  Of course, I told her that I would cover for her.  Alexa and Haley didn't understand so they wanted to tell our parents but I told them not to.  But after about an hour after carly left (driving my DAD'S car) I got a phone call from her telling me that she was stuck on the side of the road and the car wouldn't start.  I didn't know what to do because my dad's car is almost as complicated as it is old.  So...i told them.  We had to pick her up (12 am) and get the car towed in the morning.  So, that's pretty much the last time she'll ever sneak out.

And last but definitely not least...I'm officially MARRIED!  Evan and I "tied the knot" on August 11th... and are still living in the apartment.  We hope to move into a house by the end of the year.  We've been saving our money and Evan just inherited some money from his grandfather.  So everything is all good (:i love married life...but i hate the cleaning and laundry.and it will only get worse when he have kids...but please, im only 20.  I don't even want to think about that. lol
thats all for now....

I hope you all know what August 7th is...

well, i dont expect everyone to know. But i DO expect all vampire-obsessed, Edward/Bella-loving fans to know.

That's right. It's the date of release for the third book in the "Twilight" series, ECLIPSE by Stephenie Meyer!
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Now, I've read many many books in my life. I'm a huge bookworm. But this series really got my attention and is one of the best series I have ever read. I hate vampires. I hate anything that has to do with sci-fi for that matter... but I love this. Even if it is about vampires, its certainly not your typical cape-wearing, fang-bearing, sleeping-in-a-coffin, vampire. Its a realistic story, with not-so-realistic characters.

So read it. Twilight comes first. Then New Moon.

And now... its Eclipse. The one i've been waiting for ever since that day i finished New Moon (which just happened to be the day i STARTED it too)

August 7th.

Don't understand my obsession?
Well, I dont understand peoples' obsessions with Harry Potter and Star Wars...

I guess some things arebest unanswered.

-Rylie :)

why do bad things happen to good people?

just got home from florida... which was great. i got to spend time with friends that i haven't seen in a while and also... Aiden's family.

God i miss him so much. I can't believe its already been over five months ago that he died.
and i think about him everyday.

I spent the whole day yesterday with his family and we all just went on a walk and talked about him and all of the good memories that we had with him. And surprisingly, I didn't cry...
Until after I heard one of his little sisters (who's 7) start to talk. She said that even when he was growing up, he was still the annoying big brother that he had always been and that he would tease her all the time and get on her nerves so much... and she misses that. She said sometimes she can still hear some of the crazy things he says and she can't help but laugh. She told me that he also talked about me a lot and how it was so great to be my best friend.

That was the most heart-breaking but touching thing that I have ever heard from a seven-year-old.

Aiden boy, we all miss you so much. Your mom let me sleep in your room last night because its the only place that I feel really close to you. She also gave me one of your t-shirts from your closet.... im wearing it right now. Well, i love you so much kiddo. You are my best friend in the entire world.

Sorry, I know its a depressing entry. But it's just something I felt like i needed to write out.

I hope that everyone isstaying safe this summer



okay, well, i just got back from new york (visiting my aunt) and let me tell you that it was not the best vacation ever...

sure, its new york, so theres always something to do..but no matter how hard i try, i cant get away from things back home. i had at least one sibling calling me everyday to complain about something, or fill me in on more family drama. it never stops...

but anyways, now that that's over.. im going to florida to visit some friends who live down there for a week. it makes me feel old... these are two of my friends from high school, and now they're married and expecting a baby. time really does fly, i guess.

so i leave tomorrow... be back next sunday.

until then, i hope everyone is having a great summer!

day two of h-e-l-l

In a previous blog post, I said that I would be watching my three little sisters and little brother for two weeks while my parents were in Hawaii. Well, they left yesterday... and might I just say, I wish that I my older brothers were here to take over.

Why is it so bad, you ask? Oh... I can give you a few reasons...

My 17 year old sister decided play the whole "hey im a teenager, I'm gonna sneak out of the house" routine. She went to the movies with her boyfriend. (Idk why she didn't just ask... I can bend the rules a little.) Anyways, she waited until I was in the shower to sneak out, AND take my brother's car. (not good. Not good at all.) So, here, I'm flipping out because she won't answer her phone and there's no sign of her. Then, there's the whole angry parents thing that I might have to deal with. Finally, she came home and "explained" everything. I decided NOT to tell my parents... but I DID tell my two older brothers... and believe me, that's A LOT worse than the parents.

Next reason....

My little brother (who's 8.) is anything but human. He likes to eat things, flush things, even FREEZE things. (yes, he put my mom's camera in the freezer.) So I spent hours trying to Noah-proof the house, which is near to impossible... but I thought I did a pretty good job. Later, I found that my cell phone, TV remote, wallet, and Ipod have gone missing. I had to brib him with candy... but he told me that he buried it in the backyard. I wanted to scream. But i didnt cuz my sisters were asleep. Ugh...man, i had a fun time digging those up. (and im still picking dirt out of the number keys of my phone.)

And of course....

My sister Alexa is pretty wild. So I KNEW that something was going to go wrong with her. Well, apparently, her and her twin, Haley, got into a huge argument. (they share a room...not a good idea.) So, she threw ALL (and i mean, ALL) of her clothes out of the two-story window... and most of them landed in the neighbor's pool. So, instead of putting my through it, I made me got next door and make her apologize and fish them out. Now, the neighbors give me weird looks when i walk by.

Haley has been the good one. Thank god.

As you can see, I have my hands full. AND i still have a week and five days to go.... kill me now.

summer plans, along with some book and movie stuff...

Summer is ALMOST here (for me, anyways.) And things are pretty crazy. I'll be busy with the wedding plans, as usual...we set the date for August 18th. We didn't want to do the whole long engagement thing...but we also didn't want to hop a plane to vegas. Hopefully everything will come together. Also, my parents are going on a vacation by themselves to Hawaii for two weeks... and guess who has to babysit. Yep, me. My older brothers will be gone so it will be me and my three little sisters and little brother. I don't mind Carly. She's 17 and pretty much on her own. But the 13 year old twins are a handful and so is my 7 year old brother. I pray that everything goes smoothly. lol.

and now, some of my reviews on the latest things i saw/read:

Twilight. Wow. This book is the definition of amazing. It's by Stephanie Meyer and I definitely recommend it. It's about a girl who falls in love with a vampire and has to deal with a lot of factors that come along with it. Yes, I know it sounds weird... freakish, even, but I'm telling you... it's truely great. I just got done reading the sequel, New Moon, and it was also fantastic. The third one, Eclipse, comes out in August and i'll be first in line to buy it. Also, word's going around that a fourth book, Breaking Dawn, and another version of the first book, Midnight Sun, are coming out... and maybe even a movie! This is definitely a series that you want to look into.

Also, one of my all-time favorite books is The Five People you Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. It's truely great. This book is one of the few that is so incredibly touching with the nausea. Its about a man who dies and goes to heaven and meets five people who have impacted his life majorly (whether he knew them or not.) It's an amazing story, and not that hard to read. So check it out... really.

A couple weeks ago, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World End. Now, i'm not really into to this kind of movie. I had only seen the second one, and thought that it was just "okay." But I have to admit, I was a little interested in this one. Practically the whole (long) movie was boring and confusing, IMO... but the end was good. To me, that's just about it. I would say that you might only want to see this if your a diehard Pirates fan... or have an abnormal obsession with Johnny Depp.

That's it for now.

Have a great summer, everyone :)

constantly praying, crossing my fingers... whatever.

I'm all for a gilmore girls movie.  I'm not getting my hopes up, because we all know how that turns out... but I AM wishing for it.  I felt that the finale didn't "tie up loose ends" so to speak, so it would help if that happened.  Let's all hope it does.


as for me...

life is the same.  Wedding plans are getting intense, I'm missing my friend Aiden more and more as time goes on.  My best friend, Kiley has been great support though.  Lexa (LexaBean) hasn't been on this site lately.  She's dealing with her first "break-up" with her "boyfriend"  (wow... I was at least 16 when that first happened to me... and she's only 13) so she's kinda depressed.  But me and my family are trying to cheer her up.  Because, knowing her and her crazy personality, there's more of those to come....


bye :) 

tv show thoughts...

Hey everyone...

sorry i haven't posted a blog in a while.  I've been pretty busy.  From helping my brother move to a new apartment, to starting up the wedding plan... it's been hectic.  Anyways, I just thought that I would share my thoughts on some of my favorite tv shows right now.. because i have quite a bit on my mind.

Heroes:  Man, this show just keeps getting better and better.  Every monday, I can't wait until 9 when it comes on and it leaves me in complete amazment every episode.  

Gilmore Girls:  I miss it sooooo much!  I've been watching the re-runs on ABC family when I can, but it's not the same.  RIP gilmore girls!  You were always my favorite...

Wildfire: I can't wait for the fourth season to come back on.  I'm a HUGE fan of this show and also a HUGE junior/kris shipper.  Love it!

Everwood:  I started watching this show only after the re-runs came on on ABC family and now I'm hooked.  It's too bad that I can't see more episodes, but it's still one of my all-time favorite shows.

One Tree Hill:  Now, i'm not a "regular" on watching this show but I still love it when i watch it.  It's got awesome storylines and I love the drama..

Kyle XY:  Honestly, this show is a little weird... but I'm hooked on it.  It comes back in a few weeks and I can't wait.


So there... just some random thinking.  Nothing more nothing less.

im offically going to...


My boyfriend proposed to me last night, out of the blue!  (the ring is gorgeous!) I was so surprised.  He basically took me out to dinner and then it happened!  I know that I'm only 20... but we're going to have a long engagement.  And we've known each other since 8th grade... what more could I ask for?  :) :) :) :)

I'm floating on clouds right now....