I Started a Supernatural Club today. I called it the SFU- Supernatural Fans United. I know, It's unoriginal (which usually isn't my M.O.), but it works. I kind of got the idea for the name from one of my brother's tee shirts. It says "Procrastinators Unite... Tomarrow" lol. I love stupid tee shirt texts. I saw a shirt once that said "HONK, if you're about to run me over" lol I almost bought it for my brother, but it was $35!! Call me cheap, but that's wayy to much money for a tee shirt.
Oh, geez! I'm way off the topic.
I'm super excited about my first blog post on tv.com. It took me a while, but I finally did it. And what better day to do it than the day you start a club. lol.
Check it out. (cuz at the moment i only have one member... me.) I modeled it after the NCIS club called NCISUFN, which I am a member of. I hope nobody gets offended. I dont think they will. I hope they see it as flattering.
Anyway, I'll write again about my club after I have a few members and tell you (the few "buddies" I have. lol) how it's going.
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