*HaveSumFaith Blog
Happy Birthday to umm....the mayor??
by *HaveSumFaith on Comments
Oh yess. today is the mayor of chicopees birthday. i have to go to his party at this restaraunt. not that i dont want to go but it will be embarresing. why you ask. because my dad is going to be the entertainment at his party. yes he is going to be singing. oh no. he is good i guess but i dont really like the music he does. he does covers of kinda old music. i am however very proud of him and support him, though he is a tad bit embarresing. so happy birthday mr mayor and enjoy the cake. :)
Walk through the Stomach
by *HaveSumFaith on Comments
ok, today my friend felt really bad about eating a tuna fish sandwich at lunch. shes a vegetarian. so i wrote a song for her. i wrote the song walk through the fire from omwf and changed some of the words. well here it is, this is for bbkf :)
I touch my stomach
and it depresses me
i look into it and it moves
why cant i say
my tuna went away
i want the fishy back
now through my skin it calls to me
to make my way across the tank
to stop and thank
or maybe just relate
i guess its all the same
So I will swim through the tank
cuz who else can i thank
i will swin through the tank
and let it...
The stomach i bare is aching me
Tunas laughing ive no doubt
i hope she frowns
im free if that b i t c h drowns
i better help her out
cuz shes drawn to my stomach
some fishys...
she will never eat
and she will swim through the tank
and let it thankkkkkk.
@@@@ ok i no that was strange . :) o and if you have never heard the song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbZ8JN8E9QQ
another boring. scratch that. wet softball story.
by *HaveSumFaith on Comments
have any mayonaisse gummy worm cake left??
by *HaveSumFaith on Comments
not cool . not cool at all . well maybe a touch cool .
by *HaveSumFaith on Comments
yesterday i was havin a might fine day. my softball team that pretty much is the bad news bears beat this undefeated team. i dont know how it happened but it did. so i come into school all happy dodge a few marilyn manson comments from my teacher, ignore anothers dirty looks and have a pretty good day. then it all went down hill. ok now im being a little overdramatic. well my teacher who i happen to like A LOT comes up to me and my friends on our way to last period. he looks at my arm. my arm that i cut on one of those barbed wire fences that have things sticking out. He practicly yells out lisa, did you cut your arm on purpose?? i was like what?? i was schocked, i thought he was kidding or something but he wasnt. i was so embarressed. im like no and walked away. my favorite teacher thought iu was cutting myself. can you believe that?? hiow rude and he had to yell it out to. grrr that was so not cool .
oh yess .
by *HaveSumFaith on Comments
I am very happy. i have no clue why but i am so YAY!!!!!! :) :D
everlasting school year.
by *HaveSumFaith on Comments
Warrenee randomness.
by *HaveSumFaith on Comments
Ok. i have this friend brad who really reminds me of this character from buffy named warren. they both are nerds(sorry d) i mean like he is really really smart. They have a similar look. i wanted to show the girl that likes brad some good quality warren. she does not want to watch the episode where he dies and i cant really find another good one. and i like the part where he dies anyway. i no im wierd. she thinks it would be a bad omen to watch the guy i compare to brad die. so yes, that was oh so random..;).
Pic o Warren:
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