ooh. what a choice. :P well i have a little story to tell here.
there once was this student teacher. who used to be a bouncer at a club. now he hadnt come into much trouble in his job, mostly escorted people out, and the occasional fight or two. one night this all changed. he was standing ther minding his own bussiness. wait, i didnt tell you his name... gasp. what a mistake. well lets just call him mr pentagon. he was minding his own bussiness when this drunk woman came up to him. and for some reason or another...wait for this...poked him. well this made mr pentigon angry. and he called over the cop in the building to escort her out. she ended up in jail for three days for poking him.
yepp. completely tru. it really is. jailtime for poking someone. who wouldve thunk it??
song. seven deadly sins. flogging molly.
31 days. babeyy. :)
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