HEY guys, be sure to watch Scrubs new episode tonight a 9/8 central!!!!!
My fave line from last weeks
"Laverne, is this your Jesus???"~JD
HEY guys, be sure to watch Scrubs new episode tonight a 9/8 central!!!!!
My fave line from last weeks
"Laverne, is this your Jesus???"~JD
YES!!! ive made yet another Degrassi on Crack video
hope everyone enjoys
ive decided to find a Harry Potter slash and share it. This will be a weekly thing.
This video is a Harry/Draco slash and i just cant get this song out of my head.
well, hope you enjoy
May your life be filled with chamapgne wishes and Jiberty dreams
It has come to my attention that the degrassi forum on this site cant go a week without fighting! I usually find this entertaining. Dont ask me why, i just do. But this HAS GOT TO STOP!!! Im getting kinda sick of it, honestly. Its like we are on The-N message boards or something. PLEASE STOP THE FIGHTING, I SIMPLY CANT TAKE THE FIGHTING!!!!!
thank you for reading my rant!!!!
Well, im gonna be 21 on the 24th, and i getting excited about it!!!! Now, dont get me wrong, I have gotten tipsy before (long story for another day), but this time, Im giving my birthday some justice. Im hoping to go down to my states capital (Austin) and go down 6th street to celebrate my aging 21 years!!!
Just thought i share that little bit of personal info to yall!!!! I got some new videos up on my youtube site, comments are appreciated!!!!!
Link is http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=degrassihpfan85
Hope everyone has a great holiday and does well on their finals!!!!
Sorry to report, but my account from youtube just got susspended!!!! so, im not happy right now!!!!!
Ok, so ive been watching the new season of my fave shows (SoN, Degrassi, Veronica Mars) and i have to ask...WHATS WITH THE THEMES??? I have nothing against it (I actually like the new Degrassi theme), but its just weird.
Also, im gonna share some vids. First off, im gonna shar 2 HP vids (thats Harry Potter). one is to the Degrassi song we all know and love - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7Z8zaHpbG8
The other is a fave of mine cause i love the song and I LOVE NEVILLE!!! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWJ-uZ2sZ6A
and as usuall, you can view my videos at http://youtube.com/profile?user=degrassifan85
ive seen alot of comments on my videos that look like n00bs watch 'em. Now, most people have heard of the video term AU (alternate universe). When i posted my "Gone Away" video, someone had the nerve to correct me and saying that this actually didnt happen. Im sorry, but these are people who still are all "OMGZZZZZ.....Manny was pregnant????", "I know Ryan Cooley, fur real". TO ALL N00BS: Manny was indeed pregnant, to the now aborted Maude Santos-Manning. ACTUAL degrassi fans have known this for quite some time now. and if by knowing Ryan you meant that you meet him ONCE at a mall tour, then yeah, you know Ryan. But that is NOT what it means. There, glad to get that off my chest.
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