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*Luciana_Brasil Blog

Still the open gate...

Hi, everybody...

Now that things are a little bitcalmer around here, I can check what is going on in the board.

And it is amazing how I still have access from office - how come the IT guys have not locked yet the open gate... Meno male !

So, what is up ? What are the news ? Guess I will have to check all the threads... Ok, let's get going, then...

Hey, missed you guys...


Old movies and their marks

Last night I watched for the th time Corrina, Corrina with Whoopi Goldberg and Ray Liotta.

This time, two things left their mark:

~> "A fish and a bird can fall in love. But where will they build their nest?" - by Mama Singer to Mandy

~> The incredible performance of Jevetta Steele singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow - I got the song today and here is the link for anyone to listen to it. You should - it is incredibly beautiful...

What about you ? Which movie has left a deep mark in your heart and why ?

Meaning of the words

For all I have read and found out these past weeks, some words come to my mind.

And the words are:

~>arrogance:a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in a overbearing manner or presumptuous claims;
~> arrogant: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth of importance in a overbearing manner;

~> hypocrisy: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion; an act or instance of hypocrisy
~> hypocrite: one who affects virtues or qualities he does not have;

~> inconsiderate: careless of the rights or feelings of others;

~> prejudice: injury or damage resulting from some judgement of action of another in disregard of one's rights; preconceived judgment or opinion; an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race or their supposed characteristics;

And a saying: "the more I know people, the more I like my dogs."


Friendship Day

Today we celebrate Friendship Day in Brazil. So, to all the friends of the board the wise words of wise men:

"To know someone here or there with whom you can feel
there is understanding in spite of distances
or thoughts expressed ~ That can make life a garden."

The proper office of a friend is to side with you
when you are in the wrong.
Nearly anybody will side with you
when you are in the right.
* Mark Twain

It is one of the blessings of old friends
that you can afford to be stupid with them.
* Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hope you all have a very pleasant and joyful weekend.

Poetry mood these days...

The silence falls down over the city. The grey sky in your eyes reflects my deep sadness. Icall your name so many times but you can't listen to me. My silent cry is too far, too shy, too weak and yet too powerful to be contained, restrained, kept inside my heart.

The darkness falls down over the city. There is only a thin thread of moonlight above. The tears are pale star-drops against my skin and the mouth is struggling for air. The whisper tells your name again and again and you can't see my despair. Heart in hands, soul pouring out my eyes but still you can't see.

The loneliness falls down over the city. Sore eyes, soul, heart. Tiredness is the only confort that comes a bit before the sun rises. I dream with your eyes, hands, voice, the wrinkles around your mouth, the way you laugh and cry. I dream with your face and your love and can only hope the dream that I wish will come true.

Panamerican Games

And the XV Panamerican Games have officially started today in Rio de Janeiro.

It was a beautiful party - music, friendship, joy, bit of informality... Pretty much like the Brazilian way of doing things.

I hope all the athletes can do their upmost and go back home with many, many medals.

To Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Argentinians, Chileans and all the North, Central and South Americans competitors: good luck !

Some pictures of the opening party:

Huge elephant in the room


Well, well... My day started with alerts coming from everywhere... The second action was to check the boards to see if now he had made a statement someone would finally comment on this.

Seems you girls are really keeping the promise and the mouths shut. Or fingers restrained.

It must be something wrong with me - because I think that as he is the sole reason (ok, the main reason) of this board and when something that freaking happens, then we don't allow ourselves to say our pieces ? Of course none of us would point fingers and make harsh statements or pass too-puritan judgements or anything weird, but the silence really bothered me.

So, it is ok to drool over his pictures (sometimes with kinky jokes) - the officials and the ones taken without his permission - but it is not ok to comment on news published by many papers and magazines and so ?

And seems that people are overreacting about this privacy thing - I commented about the baby Tinlooking tiny and that he could be premature. I wascensored - why ? Is that disrespect commenting about a kid being or not premature ? My son was premature, my daughterwas prematureand this is no big deal. Is this so disrespecting ? I am not saying the baby looks ill or ugly or something offensive. Just commenting.

If I am wrong, so am I. I am being trully honest about this. I think this is my right to express my oppinion even though it is contrary to the majority.

And because this is my page profile, I will unburden my heart because this thought is killing me: so, there is another lucky, lucky, b*tchly lucky woman in the world...

The whole venting is in my page.


Well. well, well....

Hi, sweeties...

Seems I cannot keep my promises... Oh, shut, the University is the priority and really I didn't have time to anything else except burn my brains over the Law books...

But now I am on vacations - both off-University and off-office (ugh!) and I think I can now visit from time to time...

Good news, amazing news, Goran really was the name of this week - every morning a hundred emails from Google alerts with the same and old news about the supposed daughter. Let's ssee what happens. I myself do not believe in this piece. I think it is someone trying to sell some paper or get some money. But again, let's wait and see.

Missed you, sisters !


Hello !

Hi, sweties.

I am back for just a bit to say hello, I miss you girls a lot and I will try to come back as much as possible from now on.

I will have two weeks of exams at the University starting tomorrow but even though I miss the boards too much. I can't stay away for that long.

So, soon I will be back with all the glitters and dolls and the stuff I like so  much to share with you.

Love you, girls. Take good care of Gorgeous Goran for me !


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