Well, well... My day started with alerts coming from everywhere... The second action was to check the boards to see if now he had made a statement someone would finally comment on this.
Seems you girls are really keeping the promise and the mouths shut. Or fingers restrained.
It must be something wrong with me - because I think that as he is the sole reason (ok, the main reason) of this board and when something that freaking happens, then we don't allow ourselves to say our pieces ? Of course none of us would point fingers and make harsh statements or pass too-puritan judgements or anything weird, but the silence really bothered me.
So, it is ok to drool over his pictures (sometimes with kinky jokes) - the officials and the ones taken without his permission - but it is not ok to comment on news published by many papers and magazines and so ?
And seems that people are overreacting about this privacy thing - I commented about the baby Tinlooking tiny and that he could be premature. I wascensored - why ? Is that disrespect commenting about a kid being or not premature ? My son was premature, my daughterwas prematureand this is no big deal. Is this so disrespecting ? I am not saying the baby looks ill or ugly or something offensive. Just commenting.
If I am wrong, so am I. I am being trully honest about this. I think this is my right to express my oppinion even though it is contrary to the majority.
And because this is my page profile, I will unburden my heart because this thought is killing me: so, there is another lucky, lucky, b*tchly lucky woman in the world...
The whole venting is in my page.

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